Possible Conference Changes for basketball

Just my opinion I believe some of those school don't take it serious enough up here to recruit or go after lacrosse or wrestling. There sports are football, basketball and baseball. Just don't think the kids wanna play those sports like they do down there.
not sure for Sallies. but for Ursuline all the girls are from Delaware except for two. one is from chester the other is from like media pa. But yeah i don't know if that would matter. The public schools just have to work. The star player from Ursuline is from the Mount pleasant area. Can you imagine if she had went to mount pleasant? The coaches have to go to these little league, city league, and middle school games. The coaches don't want to do the work. The only way she was introduced to Ursuline is through another girl that player there. You may know of her she plays in the WNBA. She seen her playing with boys in the little City league in wilmington. The 8th grader on the team was seen at a basketball camp. The mother never heard of any of the schools.. If the coaches was more visable they would have a chance. these kids are just not going to walk through your doors. But yes- only two that i know are not from delaware.---- And i agree with some the others that have made statements on here. you have to have a great program with a combination of good coaching, academics program, and strength of scheduling to entice those athletes to come to your school. because if you have those. Great athletes with that combination i said before will attract more great athletes. These parents talk all the time on whats best for there kids

This post was edited on 3/25 1:13 PM by Justabasketballfan
I agree it's just the reverse downstate, the schools just don't care enough about the big three sports overall. There are some outlier programs like the ones stated above but for the most part it's true. If you think otherwise your just fooling yourself. Yes, the public school have some disadvantage but also have some often overlooked advantages.

Most publics schools have a constant source of funding and have access to capital improvement via referendums they don't have to fundraise for that new field. Most public educators are paid more then their private school counterparts and have more job security and probably better benefits. Public school have better special education resources than most privates. It seems this should equate to better educators and coaching. This is just some advantages.

It all boils down to what are the expectations of the parents, school and administrators. Simple you get out it what you put in. Although, I wish the DIAA would change a lot of things (Transfer Rule, Scheduling, etc.) this is one they shouldn't.

This post was edited on 3/25 3:54 PM by Simmonj4618
Delaware is just to small for this to work. The problem is the youth programs in Delaware are just not strong enough. The majority of Delaware state champions are not national powerhouses or even regional powerhouses. Its not like we have an Oak Hill dominating every year. Delaware's top team are nowhere near PA, MD, or NJ top teams. Its not due to the state size its because those states have strong youth programs and develop them better. If we did a better job developing players state wide the competition would be a lot better. If this was to go through what would stop lets say a sallies or sanford from separating from the DIAA and just do what Red Lion attempted.
The southern end especially is in need of programs that teach the game. Also people that have the knowledge to the game to help them along. For the most part none of the southern end plays travel nor getting workouts. Most of the south end schools have the same coaches for all the sports . Woodbridge Seaford Ir Laurel...... How can these kids get any better with people that goes from football to basketball to track etc. and truth be told these coaches never have excelled in neither of the sports. Going to the public schools administration isn't like it's suppose to be. It's a error where the parents and kids are wrong. Never insisting the coaches are lost and aren't cut out to Teach The Game
Everyone talks about kids need good coaching? Can someone explain to me what they think good coaching is.

For other coaches that coach other sports it shouldn't run into any other sports cause you can't coach out of season anyways, "if you follow the rules" During football you can't coach your basketball kids, during basketball your can't coach baseball kids etc.
Good coaching is having a plan day 1 that has been developed over time with thought and effort Going to clinics and talking to older/experienced coaches that have been there and done that. Most coaches are happy to share knowledge, especially when it comes to fundamental. Have practice plans in place, concepts for each player to learn, actually have a couple base offensive sets to run vs Man, to run vs Zone, to break a press, out of bounds plays ect... Not rely on what your best couple of kids learned over the summer on the travel circuit.

It means recruiting assistant coaches and JV coaches that understand fundamentals and can develop your young guys who may not have been blessed with the resources or desire to travel the area to their own camps ect..

Just because you can't coach out of season, doesn't mean you can't learn as a coach out of season. Some of these guys, especially at Public schools are just there for a check and take up space.

Get them in the weight room and on a strength program, pretty sure you can have those as long as no sport specific training is going on.

It's a commitment to help young people achieve their goals, and if you are blessed to have a couple of college prospects in your feeder program don't cry about them choicing out. Build a foundation that they want to be a part of.

Maybe that's asking too much, but if you aren't ready to give that kind of effort into your program please don't cry about needed to split this state into 3 divisions so that your kids have a chance at the Bob.
Salesianum (last year and going forward) is good example of, "if you build it they will come", there was a point in time when no one was going there for basketball, boy oh boy has that changed....

There's one case where a St. Marks grad will have two sons at Salesianum

This post was edited on 3/26 1:42 PM by EducatedEye
That is a very good assessment, well done. I agree with everything you had to say.

I can see both sides of the story with it comes to have 3 State Championships. If Poly didn't when the championship no one will every have a shot downstate because that Poly team is one every 10 years team. But if Poly played someone that was on a level playing field like a Blue Hen Flight A team then they prolly would of won but you never know that's why you play the game. Yes and Poly did beat Sanford but that wasn't a Top of the line Sanford team, but I bet you the Sanford coach will go out and get what he is missing.
Honestly Stan doesn't have to go out get kids that are missing. Past and current parents will refer kids to him: based on his style of play. His ability to play the tough teams out of state, and getting the kids ready for college. But i'm sure he is looking to get kids more kids for the future. And they may been beat in the play-offs but his team did do well in the slam dunk to the beach. We have to get the rest of the state on board. And I'm not saying you have to go new york to play top talent. you go across the boarder and play teams in pa, nj, and md. There are options out here... There was statement about training your kids.. there are plenty of trainers and AAU programs in the state of delaware. As a coach you will just have to reach out and find trainers that will come and work your kids out. or have camps for everyone in your area that the trainer can work your kids and others. I will not name trainers and do a dis-service to the ones I don't name cause i don't know all of them. but there are people out here in delaware.. But as all ways you have to make sure your kids are ready to put in the work and the parents are committed. And some kids just aren't. Some are even at the top of your basketball list in the state, there just so happen to have some talent and a lot of heart to play. I mean if it worked for Elena to have a trainer and put 500 to 1000 shots up a day it will work for anyone.

Talent is not measured by feet and inches
I agree with you. But most public schools in Delaware can't afford to go outside the state to play games because of there budget.
that maybe true. But you have to find ways to make money to go. We did 50/50 raffles, We used the money from the food stand, We collected money through the school by getting the players involved. We did so many things to raise money. And we had some of those outside teams come and play us. it started out as a scrimmage and then it went from there. There are ways to make this work. But it has to be worked the right way... not saying it is a poor excuse, but these coaches have to think outside of the box. Those private schools budget i think is no different than the public. i know for a fact that the sanford girl's team had to hustle to raise money to go to florida for a tournament..As adults in delaware we have to do better for the kids. or we are going to continue to see the smart talented kids leave delaware to play at other schools. When we obviously need them here to bring more coaches to this state..
Here's my 2cents. as a head coach last season. I had my taste of public, private and out of state.
I played a lot od PIAA schools 3A and 4A. I think 2 Divisions May work. However. Lets look at Public vs Private

Boys - number of quality players on team

Sanford Mikey Eric Kyle Jacob 4
Sals Donte Shane Jamal Paul 4
tatnall 1
caravel 1
st.marks did not see
st.thomas moore 3

howard turner stewart Cunningham revelle plus 2 more cant reall names 6
mount kerney burnett rob jai keon Ronald shareef 7
concord 6
AI 6
delcastle 7
appo miles plus 4 (5)
Newark bad record 6 players

Public school will get more talent bc most of the talented kids cant get in private school. now HERE'S IS MY SUGGESTION



TO TRAVEL OUT OF STATE TO EVENTS OR HOST SHOWCASES Pennsylvania I know of a public high school team that will be playing in a spring league that starts in Apr then a summer league that starts in July then a fall league that starts in September....that's how teams can develop chemistry work on sets and players young and upper classmen get plenty of "game time" ...the DIAA is considered a joke with their outdated and player hurting rules and regs...for all of us adults who want de student athletes to have a better chance to compete we need to concentrate on the reality that it will only happen through improving the DIAA ...
I'm finding out that DIAA is all about the Money in some cases.. # championship games equates to money being made by the number of fans.. Keeping the Integrity of the game for the sake of the kids is not what they are looking for..
Too Many kids transferring to one school each year- "We will show them"- no one can transfer after there freshman year with out sitting out for a year.
Too many 8th graders going to these schools early to play varsity basketball- "We will show them"- you now have to be in the school as a 7th grader in order to play as a eighth grader.
Delaware will always be behind because of the old fashion way of thinking by some of the powers at be. This right wing thinking has allowed really talented kids leave delaware and go to schools out side of the state. it will continue to happen until this thinking changes. there are a hand full of kids right now playing in other states that could generate coaches to give other kids looks. Myles Cale, mike dixon, and Eric Ayala look to be the next kids drawing coaches here. there will be a slew eighth grade girls that will will be the next to draw coaches on the girls side. i wonder how many will stay.. our basketball is weak for a reason

I totally agree. The crop of girls on the 2019 Class is T O U G H. They have SIZE and GUARDS.
I think 22 games.
16 for your conference (if your in one) 6 openings for out of state tournaments. Play by Play Showcases. or just games.

That would help a great bit. Our kids can play with anyone if given the chance. we have some really good coaches and staff here. They need to loosen up the hold and give it a chance.