If you turn up the feed just as it’s beginning, you can hear Sean Greene voicing his displeasure about this reveal process. Interesting.
About the reveal process, not the teams. Brad Myers is tweeting about it also. DIAA is releasing info only to 302 so they can put on their crappy frozen show.Greene is a Dover homer.. Always has been
came out just like Titanium and I had it..
1. Woodbridge vs 8. Tower Hill
2. Delmar vs 7. Lake
3. Tower Hill vs 7. Caravel
4. Howard vs 5. Archmere (at CA)
3 Smyrna.vs 6. Sallies
4, Central vs 5. Concord
You typed Tower Hill for the 8th seed instead of Friends BIB.
This free or do they charge?
10 bucks a month..and the month ends on the 30th no matter when you buy.. so you would have to go on and cancel right after the Championships or it will auto bill you for December. If you cancel in December then you would have the whole rest of the month to watch. I do this because I like to watch State Championships from other states who go into December..
My NFHS sub was billed from the 8th of one month to the 7th of the next. I just re-upped for a year and the total cost was $69.99, or about $5.83 a month.