Appo vs Mount Pleasant (video)

@Patcomic, nice video....didn’t know the results of that game before I watched....any word on Kvonn Cramer, they need him back bad....
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@Patcomic, nice video....didn’t know the results of that game before I watched....any word on Kvonn Cramer, they need him back bad....
I saw him during warmups- He was standing there in sweats. Looked to be moving pretty good. I forgot to ask them, but I was told by someone with a student at Mount that he might be back for the last game. And you are right, they do need him.
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I would find it hard to believe that he'd be back on the court less than a year after tearing his acl
Athletic, young and on a mission....usually a 6-9 months recovery time with PT, rest to avoid inflammation and diet...been there and done it