As DIAA Turns


Top 100 Prospect
Jun 30, 2010
FEB 2018

E. Request to expand Girls Lacrosse State Tournament and Tournament Manual Changes Mr. Neubauer reported that he received a proposal from the girls lacrosse committee to propose expansion of their tournament from ten teams to twelve teams. Mr. Neubauer commented that the Committee feels the quality of play has improved to warrant expansion and that the footprint of the tournament would not change. Mr. Breeding questioned what input the athletic directors have. Mr. Neubuaer responded that the sport committees, coaches, and athletic directors all have input. Dr. Fitzgerald made a motion to approve the proposal to expand the tournament field from ten teams to twelve teams for the upcoming lacrosse season. The motion was seconded by Dr. Donovan and carried by a vote of 14 – yes (Waterman, Donovan, Laws, Harris, Cimaglia, Layfield, Cilento, Watson, Hart, Fitzgerald, Breeding, Evans-Gunter, Mann, and Jeanne) and 0 – no

F. Self-Report by Caesar Rodney High School Dr. Fitzgerald recused himself from this matter. Mr. Neubuaer reported that he received a self-report violation to rule 1009. Open Gym from Caesar Rodney High School and the school reported that the coach involved was disciplined. Mr. Jeanne made a motion to accept the self-report and the suspension given by the school. The motion was seconded by Ms. Evans-Gunter and carried by a vote of 13 – yes (Waterman, Donovan, Laws, Harris, Cimaglia, Layfield, Cilento, Watson, Hart, Breeding, Evans-Gunter, Mann, and Jeanne).

V. Board Discussion A. Request to allow Home Schooled Students to Participate. Mr. Neubauer reported that he received a letter from a constituent with a request to change DIAA regulation. The Board discussed this matter.
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MARCH 2018

Request to waive 1009.2.4 by Sussex Tech – Aprvd 14-0
Request to Waive 1009. by Wilmington Friends – Aprvd 17-0
Request to Waive 1009.2.4 by Sussex Central HS- Aprvd 14-0
Request to Waive 1009.2.4 by Laurel HS- Aprvd 16-0
Request to Waive 1009.2.4 by Laurel HS- Aprvd 16-0
Request by Glasgow HS to Waive 10009.2.4 – Aprvd 15-0

Request to Waive 1009. by Laurel HS – Denied 17-0

Smyrna Wrestler loses appeal of suspension due to unsportsmanlike conduct fouls

I. Self-Report by John Dickinson High School Dr. Daugherty recused himself from this matter. Mr. Neubauer reported that he received a self-report violation to rule 1009.2.3 Eligibility, Enrollment, and Attendance from John Dickinson High School. Mr. Neubauer explained that the Girls’ Basketball Team played an ineligible player during four games. Dr. Bley made a motion to accept the self report from John Dickinson High School. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jeanne and carried by a vote of 15 – yes (Waterman, Donovan, Edney, Laws, Harris, Cimaglia, Cilento, Watson, Hart, Fitzgerald, Breeding, Mann, Bley, Layfield, and Jeanne) and 0 – no.

IV. Board Discussion A. Request to Allow Home Schooled Students to Participate Ms. Makransky reviewed with the Board the surrounding states that do not allow home schooled students to participate in athletics at public schools, which are Kentucky, Maryland, Virginia, and West Virginia, and the surrounding states that do allow them to participate, which are Ohio and Pennsylvania. The Board discussed sending a letter in response to a letter received in the DIAA office regarding homeschooled students being allowed to participate in athletics. It was the consensus of the Board to add this item to the April agenda as an action item.

IV. E. Status of Realignment Plans Ms. Taylor commented that she would not present a plan for discussion because some Board members left and that she would present the plan at the April meeting. Ms. Taylor commented that she did have a brief meeting with the Independent Schools and will be meeting with them in the near future and will report back to the Board. Mr. Hart suggested that Ms. Taylor send information individually to principals as well as the athletic directors.
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APRIL 2009

Request to Waive 1009.2.1 by Indian River High School- Apvd 15-0

V. Board Discussion A. Status of Realignment Plans Dr. Layfield reminded the Board that at the February Board meeting the Board decided that it was going to discuss this plan and take some sort of action. Ms. Taylor explained that a realignment committee was created to address the concerns of the member schools and game scheduling. Ms. Taylor commented that the committee is asking for a pilot program for the girls and boys basketball tournament. Ms. Taylor explained that they are asking for a pilot program because there are a lot of questions regarding the realignment and the only way to answer those questions is to try it out. Ms. Taylor reviewed the survey comments and explained that there was a low response. Ms. Taylor commented that this survey was sent out to athletic directors, coaches, and some administrators. Mr. Neubauer explained that this pilot program is just being proposed at this time. Ms. Taylor reviewed the comments that she received from the survey and commented that the overall support at this time is 40 agree, 20, neutral, and 40 disagree.

Dr. Donovan commented that it appeals to him when he sees that his school teams have a chance to be competitive and feel good about themselves because this increases their academic performance and their social performance and we should keep in mind that we are doing this for the kids not for athletic budgets. Ms. Taylor explained that there is some confusion about what the process is to initiate change and recommended that DIAA figure out what the process is, who is responsible for what and who provides input. Ms. Taylor commented that a lot of people expressed valid concerns and based on the survey she feels there is a desire for change.

In a response to a question from a Board member Ms. Taylor commented that a girls and a boys sport in the same season should be used to create less issues for the pilot program. Several Board member expressed their concern of the lack of people that did not complete the survey. Ms. Taylor reviewed the proposed realignment with the Board. Mr. Watson made a motion to resubmit the survey to all athletic directors that did not respond with a cover letter that the Board is requesting their input so that the Board can make an informed decision in May with reminders being sent to the principals, school chiefs, leadership of DAAD, the leadership of the Delaware Interscholastic Basketball Coaches Association and the boys and girls basketball committees that the survey went out and this is their opportunity to lend their opinion. The motion was seconded by Mr. Jeanne and carried by a vote of 16 – yes (Waterman, Donovan, Edney, Laws, Harris, Cimaglia, Layfield, Cilento, Watson, Hart, Breeding, Evans-Gunter, Thompson, Mann, Bley, and Jeanne) and 0 – no.

D. Request to Change Regulation by Home School Parent Dr. Layfield explained that this was a request from Irvin Smith to change regulation about home schooling. Dr. Layfield reminded the Board that another individual came and gave public comment to the Board in February regarding home school participation. He reviewed what documents were included with the agenda. Dr. Layfield commented that there was not a lot of support with this but there is a request to change regulation. Dr. Layfield commented that there are many things in Title 14 that preclude DIAA from making a change without going further. Dr. Layfield suggested drafting a letter stating that the DIAA Board has discussed this and other regulations and items in Title 14 Delaware Code would have to be changed before the Board could even entertain whether or not it is in support or not in support of this and we advise them to contact their legislator. Mr. Laws made a motion to send a letter that a legislative change would be needed and suggesting this person contact their legislator. The motion was seconded by Dr. Edney and carried by a vote of 14 – yes (Waterman, Donovan, Edney, Laws, Harris, Cimaglia, Layfield, Cilento, Watson, Hart, Breeding, Evans-Gunter, Mann, and Jeanne) and 0 – no.
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MAY 20018

B. Review of Requirement for a Two-Year Obligation to a School of Choice Mr. Neubauer explained due to changes in Delaware Code Title 14 Chapter 4 the obligation to a school of choice needs to be reviewed to be in compliance with state code. The Board discussed this at length.

C. St. Thomas More recruiting Dr. Layfield reminded the Board that back in December the Board asked the Executive Director to meet with St. Thomas More. Mr. Neubauer reported that he drafted a letter and then met with the head of school Ms. Casey and the athletic director, and their director of admissions, Judi Cofield to share concerns of DIAA with recruiting. Mr. Neubauer reported that they have had no signs of recruiting and felt the meeting was effective. Mr. Breeding reported that he was approached by a parent and was told that three students were being recruited and that Mr. Neubauer may need another meeting with St. Thomas More. Mr. Neubauer commented that he would meet with St. Thomas More again. Dr. Fitzgerald commented that there have been several situations regarding this school and asked at what point do we sanction the school. Ms. Makransky explained that under regulation 1006.8.0 the Board can investigate and issue a complaint. Mr. Watson made a motion to issue a complaint and to have St. Thomas More come before the Board based on Regulation 1006. The motion was seconded by Dr. Fitzgerald and carried by a vote of 15 – yes (Waterman, Donovan, Edney, Laws, Harris, Layfield, Cilento, Watson, Hart, Fitzgerald, Breeding, Daugherty, Evans-Gunter, Jeanne, and Bley) and 0 – no.

D. Rules and Regulations Committee Update Mr. Neubauer explained that the Rules and Regulations Committee is focusing on the FAQ’s for 1009.10 undue influence. Mr. Neubauer questioned what is allowed for an approved campus visit. Mr. Neubauer commented that this would be on the agenda for next month as an action item and wanted the Board members to review. Mr. Waterman asked the executive director about the Rules and Regulations considering coaching out of season. Mr. Neubauer reported that there was an inquiry put forth by the volleyball coaches. Mr. Neubauer explained that the current summer period for out-of-season coaching regulations are restricted by a Public Integrity Commission ruling regarding the compensation coaches in public schools are allowed to receive out of their designated season. That document will be posted on Simbli for the Board to use as a reference. The current DIAA Regulation 1009.7.5.2 allows coaches to do as much as is permitted by the Public Integrity Commission ruling. The Regulation could only be changed if the Public Integrity Commission issued a new ruling.

E. Realignment Committee Update Ms. Taylor reported on the updates from the realignment committee. Ms. Taylor again reviewed the realignment goals and how scheduling is impacted by the number of conference and tournament seeding. Ms. Taylor also reported that the survey was sent out to athletic directors who did not previously respond as directed by the Board and she reviewed new comments that she received. Ms. Taylor stated that the responses went up by approximately 20 percent. Dr. Fitzgerald commented that he received a letter from the Henlopen Conference which states they are not in favor of the realignment. Ms. Taylor explained she was able to recently discuss the proposal with the girls’ basketball committee but not the boys’. Ms. Taylor explained that the realignment committee met again reviewed the comments and came up with three options, 1. 3 tier, 2. 2 tier, and 3. future studies. Ms. Taylor reviewed the options with the Board.

Ms. Taylor explained a two tier proposal based on the feedback. Ms. Taylor explained that there are enough people expressing concerns and a change should not be ignored. Ms. Taylor reviewed the two tier proposal which included a percentage change that impacted the rankings very little. Ms. Taylor also commented that travel and conference concerns were included. Ms. Taylor commented that as part of the third option, DIAA needs to understand what the conferences are doing in the scheduling process and how they are addressing the growing size of the conferences. Ms. Taylor commented that the two tier has only been presented to the Board. Mr. Waterman reported that last week the Independent conference was unanimously opposed to the realignment proposal. Mr. Cilento reported that the Henlopen Conference is also opposed to the realignment proposal. After much discussion it was the consensus of the Board further research the revised two tier presentation with the superintendents, heads of the independent schools, athletic directors, committees, and the coaches.

Mr. Jeanne made a motion to reject the three tier proposal for realignment. The motion was seconded by Mr. Breeding and carried by a vote of 13 – yes (Waterman, Donovan, Edney, Laws, Harris, Layfield, Cilento, Watson, Hart, Breeding, Evans-Gunter, Mann, Bley, and Jeanne) and 0 – no. Mr. Jeanne made a motion for the realignment committee to present to all groups the new two tier proposal. Mr. Hart asked that before this goes out the two basketball committees should be consulted and involved.

Mr.Jeanne amended his motion to forward the revised proposal for the two tier to the boys’ and girls’ basketball committees and have the committees report back to the Board. The motion was seconded by Mr. Breeding and carried by a vote of 13 – yes (Waterman, Donovan, Edney, Laws, Harris, Layfield, Cilento, Watson, Hart, Breeding, Evans-Gunter, Mann, Bley, and Jeanne) and 0 – no.

JUNE 2018

No waiver hearings

I. Henlopen, Blue Hen, Diamond State, and Independent Conferences’ Request to Start 2018-1019 Winter Sports Season One Week Earlier
Mr. Neubauer reported that he received a letter from Mr. Bud Hitchens
representing the Henlopen Conference and an email from Mr. Wood
representing the DISC conference, Dave Oswinkle representing the Diamond
State Conference, and Andy Dick representing the Blue Hen requesting to
change the start date of the winter sports season to one week early to
accommodate the way our calendar is set up. Mr. Neubauer suggested looking at using the NFHS calendar in the future or changing the regulation to state the Fall, Winter, and Spring season would be determined by the Board annually.

Dr. Fitzgerald made a motion to grant the waiver and put on next month’s
agenda discussion on the NFHS Calendar. The motion was seconded by Mr.
Jeanne and carried by a vote of 13 – yes (Donovan, Andrus, Laws, Cimaglia,
Layfield, Cilento, Watson, Hart, Fitzgerald, Evans-Gunter Thompson, Bley, and
Jeanne) and 0 – no.

VIII. Other Items for Discussion Mr. Jeanne asked where we stood with home-schooled students being able to participate. Mr. Neubauer responded by saying that our regulations state that you must be enrolled at the school in which you represent and a home-school could join DIAA and field a team.

Mr. Thompson asked about all-state teams and how they are selected. Mr. Neubauer commented that DIAA does not select teams for all state teams and that this is done by the coaches associations.

Mr. Jeanne reported that there is some frustration with the Flight B Blue Hen Conference because Mt. Pleasant did not get a chance to represent their conference and go to a state tournament. He explained that the baseball team won the conference and was not able to represent their school at the state tournament. Mr. Neubauer responded that the criteria to award an automatic bid was not met by Mount Pleasant, and that this criteria is used by almost all of the DIAA Sports Committees.
No waiver hearings is interesting.

Red Lion is under the Reach Christian School umbrella. There is a home-school called GCA under this umbrella that the students are able to play sports at Red Lion.
I heard the number of students fluctuates per year but it is never over 25. I like the idea as it gives this population an opportunity to participate in high school sports.
REACH also recently acquired Tri State Christian(formally Elkton Christian) There is talk of the possibility of those student being brought under Reach in DE and possibly being able to play for Red Lion or even Reach may just close the Elkton Campus and bring it into the Red Lion building like the others
No waiver hearings is interesting.

Red Lion is under the Reach Christian School umbrella. There is a home-school called GCA under this umbrella that the students are able to play sports at Red Lion.
I heard the number of students fluctuates per year but it is never over 25. I like the idea as it gives this population an opportunity to participate in high school sports.

In many states home school kids are able to play for their zoned public.. ie.. Tim Tebow was homeschooled and played for Nease HS , Ponte Vedra FL. Tim also lead them to their only state football championship in 2005

On January 7, 2007, Tebow was featured prominently in an ESPN Outside The Lines feature on home-schooled athletes seeking equal access to high school athletics in other states. Because a home-schooler's access to public and private school athletic functions varies by state, Tebow and former defensive end Jason Taylor (who was allowed to play at his local high school in Pennsylvania) argued in favor of extending the right to play for local teams to more states.[33] Upon becoming the first home-schooled athlete to be nominated for the Heisman Trophy, he remarked, "That's really cool. A lot of times people have this stereotype of home-schoolers as not very athletic – it's like, go win a spelling bee or something like that – it's an honor for me to be the first one to do that."[34][35][36][37] Tebow received the 2008 Quaqua Protégé Award as outstanding home-education graduate.[38]
I like the baseball and softball tournaments having a .500 or better rule. Some schools in basketball and other sports schedule point heavy and end up sneaking in only to get drilled in the 1st round. It's absurd.
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Interesting item up for discussion for August meeting. PIAA?

IV. Board Discussion Items
A. Concept of and requirements for allowing schools to hold joint practices.
B. DIAA 100th Anniversary
C. Increase of DIAA Spending Limit FY20
D. New format for DIAA Dale Farmer Sportsmanship Award
E. PIAA discussed Public v Private State Championships
Joint practices seems intriguing, almost like what the NFL does.

Public vs. private.....would be interested in what gets said on that topic
Same as it did with basketball in 2014. A lot of arguing but no answer. Public schools want a lot when it comes to public versus private. Because they also feel that votechs and charters not count as public since they can deny.
I wish they did this if they wanted public versus private: no school choice and votechs don’t have sports. Charter schools compete with private, add in votech if you want so they can have sports. That’s in my opinion only way it works. School choice hurts the argument because you know damn well coaches or school popularity draws kids. Same thing privates do so eliminate school choice and you could get a private versus public final.
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"Mr. Neubauer responded by saying that our regulations state that you must be enrolled at the school in which you represent and a home-school could join DIAA and field a team."
I would love to know what the DIAA definition of a "home school" is? The way I understand it is that every family who homeschools their children are giving a homeschool number and are considered a "home school"... is DIAA saying they can join? Are they saying that a homeschool athletic team could join?
Interesting item up for discussion for August meeting. PIAA?

IV. Board Discussion Items
A. Concept of and requirements for allowing schools to hold joint practices.
B. DIAA 100th Anniversary
C. Increase of DIAA Spending Limit FY20
D. New format for DIAA Dale Farmer Sportsmanship Award
E. PIAA discussed Public v Private State Championships

The liberalization of marijuana laws has gone too far. I would think that the only way they should do this is if players have medical marijuana scripts from MD's. No wonder these kids can't tackle.
"Mr. Neubauer responded by saying that our regulations state that you must be enrolled at the school in which you represent and a home-school could join DIAA and field a team."
I would love to know what the DIAA definition of a "home school" is? The way I understand it is that every family who homeschools their children are giving a homeschool number and are considered a "home school"... is DIAA saying they can join? Are they saying that a homeschool athletic team could join?

That confused me too.
Public/Private championships work in the PIAA but are absurd in a micro state like Delaware.
Agreed, Dove. There are about 50 high schools now (can remember when that number was closer to 30) and that's still a fraction of what PA/MD/NJ has in their states. DE Privates would have to join an outside league for a championship, so it's up to the publics/charters to do better, unfortunately.
PIAA does not have separate Public and Private State Championships. The PIAA did meet in July with over 100 school districts attending and that was a point of discussion. They are not going to change how they are doing things, but their will continue to be a growing discrepancy in State Championships by "Open Boundary" schools for the following sports, Football, Boys and Girls Hoops.


JULY 2018

Request to Waive 1009.2.4 by Caravel - 9-4 yes
Request to Waive 1009.2.7 by St. Marks- 14-0 yes

D. Request to Convert DIAA Calendar to NFHS Calendar Starting 2019-2020 SY Mr. Neubauer reviewed the proposed NFHS calendar and suggested to start the fall practice season on the Monday of week 7 of the NFHS Calendar every year and competition start on the Wednesday of week 10. Mr. Neubauer reviewed the proposal for the winter which would be the Monday of week 19 and the competition would be the Wednesday of week 22. Mr. Neubauer commented that this is a shift from dates based on a Friday to a consistency of Monday and Wednesday. Mr. Neubauer then explained that for the spring the proposal would be the Monday of week 35 and the competition would be the Monday of week 24 because the spring is the shortest season. Mr. Neubauer commented that he feels the consistency of always starting on a Monday will be better. Mr. Neubauer commented that neighboring states also us this calendar. Dr. Fitzgerald made a motion to adopt the NFHS Calendar for the 2019-2020 school year. The motion was seconded by Mr. Breeding and carried by a vote of 14 – yes (Waterman, Donovan, Andrus, Laws, Harris, Cimaglia, Layfield, Watson, Hart, Fitzgerald, Breeding, Evans-Gunter, Thompson, and Bley) and 0 – no

IV. Board Discussion Items

A. Coaching Out-of-Season and Senate Concurrent Resolution 79 Mr. Neubauer reported that Senate Concurrent Resolution No. 79 has passed on the Senate Floor and awaits the Governor’s signature. Ms. Makransky explained that Delaware’s constitution requires the resolution be approved by the Governor. Once signed the resolution would have the effect of law. Mr. Neubauer reported that the resolution is also on the agenda for the Rules and Regulations Committee on July 30, 2018. Dr. Fitzgerald asked if we could ask the Public Integrity Committee to review their decision of 2003 again.

V. Legal Ms. Makransky reported that changes to the committees in Regulation 1006 and also the choice program enrollment requirement that is in Regulations 1008 and 1009 went into effect on July 11, 2018. Ms. Makransky also reported that the State Board would be voting on the changes to the sportsmanship penalties in Regulation 1007. Ms. Makransky informed the Board that there are three new members on the State Board and if approve the final order will be published on August 1, 2018 and changes would go into effect on August 11, 2018. Ms. Makransky then reviewed a case she found from 1992 regarding a coach who took an athlete out of school for a physical examination so the athlete could participate in sports.

Other Items for Discussion

Congratulations to Stan Waterman for helping coach the US National Under 17 basketball team to a Gold Medal placement at the 2018 World Games.
since the CA fans will who were the no's

Dr. Fitzgerald- Superintendent-CR district
Dr. Layfield- Principle- Sussex Central HS
Mr. Breeding- board member- Woodbridge district
Dr Bley- medical member
here is the Coaching Out of Season senate resolution 79





WHEREAS, the nature of youth athletics have changed so that youth often participate in the same sport throughout the year; and

WHEREAS, student athletes should have the opportunity to work with coaches the student athletes believe will develop their skills and support their athletic goals; and

WHEREAS, the State Public Integrity Commission has issued Advisory Opinions stating that a public school coach violates the State Employees’, Officers’ and Officials’ Code of Conduct if the coach provides out of season instruction for pay for returning members of the varsity or sub-varsity teams of the school where the coach works as a coach; and

WHEREAS, the goal of this Senate Concurrent Resolution is to support the ability for student athletes to work with a coach they believe will develop their skills and support their athletic goals, while still protecting the integrity of education-based athletics; and

WHEREAS, because of the changed nature of youth athletics, states such as Maryland and West Virginia now allow public school coaches to provide instruction, with or without pay, to students they coach under limited circumstances that include organized camps, clinics, leagues, lessons, and clubs supervised by a member of an overreaching national program or organization that is not affiliated with a resident school, such as the Amateur Athletic Union (“AAU”), Olympic Development Program (“ODP”), United State of America Volleyball (“USAV”), and United States of America Track and Field (“USATF”); and

WHEREAS, Delaware athletes are at a disadvantage when competing against youth from other states because the Delaware coaches cannot coach their students out of season.


BE IT RESOLVED by the Senate of the 149th General Assembly of the State of Delaware, the House of Representative concurring therein, that the Department of Education, with the assistance of the Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association, is directed to promulgate regulations that permit coaches to coach student athletes out of season, with restrictions that minimize the risk of unethical activity.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Education and the Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association should consider model guidelines from other states, including rules regarding the number of athletes who can be coached, no contact periods, the amount of contact time, and enforcing compliance by organizations.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Education and the Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association should specifically address all of the following in drafting the regulations under this Resolution:

(1) No contact periods.

(2) Programs and activities in which high school coaches may work with returning student athletes.

(3) Programs and activities in which high school coaches may not work with returning student athletes.

(4) Out of Season coaching, including all of the following:

a. Terms under which a coach my provide instruction to non-school teams which are affiliated and in good-standing with an overseeing national organization such as AAU, ODP, USAV, or USATF, but which do not have a direct affiliation with a coach’s school.

b. Compensation for coaching non-school teams.

c. The percentage of returning student athletes allowed for the starting lineup of non-school teams, for each sport.

d. Terms under which a coach may provide instruction to returning student athletes at clinics, lessons, and camps not affiliated with the member school.

e. Compensation for instruction at clinics, lessons, and camps not affiliated with the member school.

(5) When a high school coach is permitted or prohibited from working with returning student athletes at out of season programs and activities, addressing all of the following:

a. When a coach may provide instruction at clinics, lessons, and camps that include returning student athletes but are not affiliated with the member school.

b. Coach compensation for instructing at clinics, lessons, and camps that include returning student athletes but are not affiliated with the member school.

c. Conditions under which a coach may work with a returning student athlete, at an athlete’s request, including the maximum number of returning players and the maximum amount of time.

BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Department of Education shall publish the proposed regulations developed under this Resolution no later than October 1, 2018.


This Senate Concurrent Resolution directs the Department of Education, with the assistance of the Delaware Interscholastic Athletic Association, to promulgate regulations that permit coaches to coach student athletes out of season, with restrictions that minimize the risk of unethical activity.