Best Players in the State By Position

Feb 5, 2008
Who do you all think the best players in the state are? Here's my thought.

Andrew Blundin - Salesianum
Chas Robino - Tower Hill
Zak Revak - Archmere
Austin Beer - Tatnall

Sean Giampietro - Salesianum
Bryan Garraham - Archmere

Ryan Kilpatrick - Salesianum
Stone Lieberman - Tower Hill
Zach Johnson - Brandywine

James Cook - Cape Henlopen
Nothing marks the start of the DE High School lacrosse season on DE Preps better than the "Best Players in State" post or the "Top Goalie" post or "Top Attackmen" post or anything else related to individual achievement.

Lacrosse is a team game. It is no accident that the two schools that play as a team better than all the rest have met in the finals the past two years.
For one Austin Beer isnt even that good he doesn't belong in the top though.
And for two, he might not even be playing this year I heard he got suspended at school for some incident at a dance.
Copernicus -- I agree with you that the teams who come together, and play as as a unit at the end of the season have the most success. This post isn't about who is the better team.

Downandeastbound -- Why do you feel the need to spread malicious rumors and trash Beer in three separate threads?
This post was edited on 2/23 6:18 PM by lax2424
get your facts straight bro. he didn't get suspended and the kid that did get in trouble didn't even get suspended. your giving a bad name to a kid thats got a lot going for him not only in lax but in school also.
Jim, let the guys who want to start rumors run their mouths all they want, and the rest of us can just watch and play lacrosse. If these guys want to act like the tabloids of DE lacrosse, let them do it. I'm just excited for another year of lacrosse...both high school and college.

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