D2 Playoff projection Mid-Week 7 2020

Titanium Shadow

Good all around Player
Oct 5, 2018
SeedTeamCurrent GamesCurrent WinsProjected Final PointsProjected Bonus PointsProjected Total PointsIndexOppo VictoriesOppo Losses
N/ASt Marks61242263.712220
* - Guaranteed playoff spot.
# - Flight B winner and guaranteed playoff spot.
TBD - Pending decision on Henlopen South tiebreaker. Winner of tiebreaker is 4th seed, loser is out.
N/A - Not Applicable. Out of the playoff picture.

1) Archmere beats Conrad. If Archmere loses, they are 2nd seed and Howard is 1st seed.
2) RLCA beats St. Elizabeth. If RLCA loses, Delmar is 3rd seed and Woodbridge is 4th seed, unless Delmar also loses than Woodbridge is 3rd seed and RLCA is 4th seed.
3) Delmar beats Laurel. If Delmar loses they are out.

From where it currently stands, it would be ideal if the playoffs were expanded to 6 teams. Give Archmere and Howard a bye week and have Delmar/Woodbridge play and RLCA/St. Marks play. That way there would be no argument about which teams deserved to make it into the tournament. Chance of this happening is zero unfortunately.
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@BackinBlack86 Any idea what would happen if the Henlopen South declared Delmar and Woodbridge co-winners? Would DIAA reject that (my guess is yes)? Would it force them to schedule a game to decide the winner?
@BackinBlack86 Any idea what would happen if the Henlopen South declared Delmar and Woodbridge co-winners? Would DIAA reject that (my guess is yes)? Would it force them to schedule a game to decide the winner?

They can't do that. They have to name a champion or playoff representative by Dec 5th or their autobid goes to at large point index. Maybe that is the fairest thing to do, just don't crown a champ and let the points decide who goes? Playing another game probably is out of the question too much of a liability on the player safety front.

C. Conference Champions: Each conference is responsible for selecting its playoff representative and for making such scheduling adjustments as are necessary so that its champion is available for the playoffs. In the event that a conference champion is not eligible to participate in the tournament or a conference chooses not to send its champion, the committee will use the at-large point index system to choose another team. The conference must notify the Football Committee Chair by December 5, 2020 if their champion will not participate.
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Never know .. Dooley could beat Anderson and solve the issue so both WB and DM can go.. It's why they play the games, any given Saturday and all that jazz 💃🎷
The Delmar v Laurel cancellation is the door for StM creaking open just a little bit.. Dooley, Dooley, Dooley... 🤪