Delmar vs Milford round 2


Getting reps on JV
Oct 23, 2017
I going with Delmar 35-21, Delmar just has to much offense. Milford is without their qb I am hearing, so that is not helping them. I hearing the Bowman is the QB now. Is this true? I will be a great atmosphere at UDEL. Last one to leave town turn the lights out!!!!!
I going with Delmar 35-21, Delmar just has to much offense. Milford is without their qb I am hearing, so that is not helping them. I hearing the Bowman is the QB now. Is this true? I will be a great atmosphere at UDEL. Last one to leave town turn the lights out!!!!!
Not true. I hear he played Saturday at Friends. Apparently his discipline occurred outside of the building so he was given the clear to play. Another was disciplined in the building resulting in a dismissal. Interesting if true. Regardless his job is to hand the ball to 3.
With these 2 teams meeting about 4 weeks ago this game will come down to coaching. Advantage Delmar. I know I'm biased but I just can't see Delmar losing.

Delmar will win their 7th state championship 42-14.
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Saw the milford coach say on Delaware zone that the first meeting could have been 21-14???? I don't know what game he was watching.....
i'm guessing the 21-14 feeling was assuming a few plays break differently and you make the plays you expect to make. Without going and rewatching the 302sports taping of the game two plays come to mind easily. ie. Milford drives ball down the field on one of their early possessions and is intercepted near the goal line. That was a huge momentum swing. One of Delmar's early scores followed a punt that went about 10 yards maybe with the punter and 1 or 2 other guys as the only ones behind the ball to potentially tackle the returner, granted one of them got trucked. There's a 14 point swing on those 2 plays alone. But, shoulda, coulda, woulda, doesn't matter, nor does the outcome of the previous meeting. Howard/AI matchup towards the end of the season and round 1 of the playoffs was a 3TD turnaround. Its why you play the game.
Delmar very impressive vs. Friends and DMA... too many weapons for Milford's defense. 34-13 Wildcats
DE-Sussex, agreed that the last game doesn't mean anything and that is why you play the game. Shoot, Friends beat Tower Hill 30-0 and one week later in the playoffs Friends won 14-6. From everyone's predictions, they think it is going to be another blow out.
SO now I hear their QB is back. I kinda think that is good from Delmar, THey will be running the same thing that they saw the first time. Good luck Delmar, I still think 35-21 Delmar
Everyone thinks Delmar is going to win in a blow out, is it worth going?

Also, South. Do you think Delmar plays the QB or do they stay with the hot hand in Trader?
SO now I hear their QB is back. I kinda think that is good from Delmar, THey will be running the same thing that they saw the first time. Good luck Delmar, I still think 35-21 Delmar
Milford made zero effort to get to the outside or go through the air last game. If they come with the same game plan this matter will be settled before the half. Having said that, my old boss used to say "If what you are doing isn't working, do something else." I have to hope and pray Milford has something different to try.
Trader is playing 100%. Only way VonArx plays QB is if Trader struggles.

I know a mess of Delmar people are going up early to tailgate. There is going to be a toooon of Delmar fans.
Whoodey they don't allow tailgating at UD for the DIAA State Championships. Talk to HS he can tell you where he and his crew go to tailgate or do like I do and go across the street to TGIF.. No re-entry without buying another ticket either... with the Unified game between D1 and D2 game that will make for a very long day..
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RR....actually, tailgating is allowed now. I have confirmed it with UD, and DIAA. They brought it back this season because they (UD) was getting a lot of backlash from fans because of it. I called the athletic department and they said tailgating is allowed. But it being not a sanctioned event by UD they weren't sure.

So I called the chairman of DIAA Neubauer (check for spelling) and he said they follow all UD regulations so if UD allows it, they have no problem with it.

With that said, anyone willing to join my tailgate party is more than welcome to do so. We will be setting up at 9:30 on the home side of the stadium. More than likely the n the grass so we aren't in the way of cars parking. I won't be hard to find, I'll be flying the Middletown, and American flags. Expecting close to 15-30 people. But there's always room for more.

TGIF is where we first started tailgating, but last year we ignored the rules and set up inside anyway. They just didn't wanna see tables out, so we set up on the back of the pick up trucks.

So any Delmar fan is welcome. I'd like to see the strong following they bring to games as I have yet to see it in person.
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I do apologize as the orange may make you look like a pumpkin, but you will be among friends. Do not worry we will accept you for what you are.
I do apologize as the orange may make you look like a pumpkin, but you will be among friends. Do not worry we will accept you for what you are.
I had little doubt I would be welcome, just playing to the room. I will be wearing my trademark grey T-shirt and looking exactly as my picture indicates tomorrow. From everything I am hearing, there will be 3k people at the D-2 game tomorrow, pretty freaking awesome.
Sold over 450 tickets at Delmar this week. I will be wearing orange and blue. Will try to connect with you before the game.
Thanks, great story. Alex, aka "Skitter" was at the AI DuPont game. Glad he is with the Saints. Well deserved opportunity for him.
Yea fun day watching kids of layed off pickle plant workers and farmers.

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