DHSCP Week 6 Games


Top 100 Prospect
Oct 5, 2018
Congratulations to week 5 winners @nomorenonstop and @Woody_Wood with 52pts 🏆 🏆

Week 6 Games


7pm- WPenn @ Appo
7pm- CR @ Cape
7pm- Howard @ DMA
7pm- Central @ Dover
7pm-Middletown @ Sallies
7pm-Delmar @ S Tech
7pm-Caravel @ Woodbridge


10:30-St Marks @ Concord
12pm- HVT @ St Georges
2pm- Tower Hill @ Archmere
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Congratulations to week 5 winners @nomorenonstop and @Woody_Wood with 52pts 🏆 🏆

Week 6 Games


7pm- WPenn @ Appo
7pm- CR @ Cape
7pm- Howard @ DMA
7pm- Central @ Dover
7pm-Middletown @ Sallies
7pm-Delmar @ S Tech
7pm-Caravel @ Woodbridge

10:30-St Marks @ Concord
12pm- HVT @ St Georges
2pm- Tower Hill @ Archmere
10. St. Georges
9. Delmar
8. William Penn
7. Middletown
6. Archmere
5. Cape Henlopen
4. Dover
3. Caravel
2. St. Marks
1. DMA
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Reactions: BackinBlack86
If anybody edits their picks, tag me (type the @ symbol followed by my username) so I can update the scoring spreadsheet. Thanks.
As confident as I was with my picks last week, I am as equally uncertain about these games

10 - St Georges
9 - St Marks
8 - Archmere
7 - Middletown
6 - Delmar
5 - DMA
4 - Caravel
3 - William Penn
2 - Dover
1 - Cape
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Reactions: BackinBlack86
9-St Marks
7-St Georges
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Reactions: BackinBlack86
10. Archmere
9. Middletown
8. Cape
7. Appo
6. St Georges
5. Central
4. DMA
3. St Marks
2. Delmar
1. Caravel
Nobody picking the Sals for old times sake? Howard ain’t exactly creating a tidal wave either. Is a Rodney Dangerfield quote appropriate here?
Nobody picking the Sals for old times sake? Howard ain’t exactly creating a tidal wave either. Is a Rodney Dangerfield quote appropriate here?
In ‘18 Middletown whacked Sallies in the regular season then got smoked by Sallies in the playoffs after getting beat by IMG. SJPrep is no IMG but could the Cavs have a letdown after last week?
In ‘18 Middletown whacked Sallies in the regular season then got smoked by Sallies in the playoffs after getting beat by IMG. SJPrep is no IMG but could the Cavs have a letdown after last week?
Didn't MT have some injuries from the IMG game most notably lost their starting RB for the year? I could be wrong but I think that is what I remember.
There were several injuries after that game in 2018, then came back to Delaware, beat Concord and then lost a heartbreaker to Hodgson at Hodgson. After that, certain key players just gave up.