
Top 100 Prospect
Oct 5, 2018
Lets face it . Picking DHFB game a monkey could pick 80% or better . So am going to try something . The Delaware High School Football Confidence Pool. How it works I'll pick out the ten games each week and you pick the winners.. Only you list the picks 1 through 10. Ten being the pick your most confident in. Every game you get right you get the points where you picked them. I will tally the points through the season.. if anyone is game

So without further ado this is this weeks 10 games

FSMA vs Red Lion
Middletown vs Smyrna
Woodbridge vs Caravel
Hodgson Vs Dover
St Marys(MD) vs Delmar
Cape vs St Georges
Sallies vs Penn
Friends vs AI
CR vs Appo
Howard vs Concord
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my picks

10 Sallies
9 Middletown
8 St Mary's
7 Friends
6 Red Lion
5 St Georges
4 CR
3 Howard
2 Dover
1 Caravel
10 Sallies
9 Middletown
8 Delmar
7 Friends
6 Red Lion
5 Cape Henlopen
4 Ceasar Rodney
3 Concord
1 Woodbridge
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you have to number them I will assume your list is ten to one? but numbering will make it easier for me to score
10 Sallies
9 Friends
8 Howard
7 Middletown
6 Woodbridge
5 Delmar
4 Hodgson
3 St. Georges
1 CR
10 Sallies
9 Friends
8 Delmar
7 Dover
6 Appo
5 Caravel
4 Red Lion
3 Howard
2 Smyrna
1 St. George's
10. Sallies
9. Woodbridge
8. Howard
7. Friends
6. Delmar
5. Middletown
4. St. George’s
3. Appo
2. Dover
1. Red Lion
10. Sallies
9. Woodbridge
8. Howard
7. Middletown
6. Dover
5. Appo
4. St. George’s
3. Friends
2. Delmar
10. Woodbridge
9. Howard
8. Sallies
7. Hodgson
6. St Georges
5. Friends
4. Middletown
3. Red Lion
2. Appo
1. Delmar
Lets face it . Picking DHFB game a monkey could pick 80% or better . So am going to try something . The Delaware High School Football Confidence Pool. How it works I'll pick out the ten games each week and you pick the winners.. Only you list the picks 1 through 10. Ten being the pick your most confident in. Every game you get right you get the points where you picked them. I will tally the points through the season.. if anyone is game

So without further ado this is this weeks 10 games

FSMA vs Red Lion
Middletown vs Smyrna
Woodbridge vs Caravel
Hodgson Vs Dover
St Marys(MD) vs Delmar
Cape vs St Georges
Sallies vs Penn
Friends vs AI
CR vs Appo
Howard vs Concord

10 Sallies
9 Friends
8 St. Georges
7 Howard
6 Hodgson
5 Middletown
3 Caravel
2 Delmar
1 Appo
Here we go .....

10 Sallies
9 Friends
8 Woodbridge
7 Delmar
6 Appo
5 Howard
4 Cape
3 Middletown
2 Red Lion
1 Hodgson
10. Sallies
9. Woodbridge
8. Friends
6. CR
5. ST Georges
4. Dover
3. Howard
2. ST Marys
1. Middletown
10 - Sallies
9 - Friends
8 - MTown
7 - St G
6 - Howard
5 - Appo
4 - Delmar
3 - Hodgson
2 - Caravel
1 - Red Lion
10. Howard
9. Sallies
8. St. Georges
7. Delmar
6. Appo
5. Friends
4. Dover
3. Woodbridge
2. Middletown
10. Howard
9. Sallies
8. Friends
7. Middletown
6. St.G's
5. Delmar
4. HVT
3. Woodbridge
2. Appo

Thought i did number them @BackinBlack86 .
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dback when you get a shot could you number the picks ..thanks

wow allot more participation than I thought. This could be fun
10 - Sallies
9 - Friends
8 - Middletown
7 - FSMA
6 - St Marys
5 - Woodbridge
4 - Appo
3 - Concord
2 - St Geroges
1 - Hodgson
heres how we stand. with HVT v Dover and Friends v AI to go

1. Basinroadbetty -45
2. Titanium - 43
2. Shine bright LAD - 43
4. DBack - 42
5. UD1989- 41
5. HS - 41
5. Foleswentz- 41
8. Returnof thegate- 39
9.Senatorpride- 38
10. Firststate- 35
11. Situation normal- 34
11. passhoops-34
13. BIB- 33
13. Zappo- 33
13. rockem-33
16. Truthserum- 32
17. NonStop- 29
18. Dadude-28
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