Does the DIAA need to update transfer rules?


moving up to Varsity
Mar 8, 2016
All this talk about transfers has my head spinning. Our neighbors in Pennsylvania last year enacted new transfer rules following repeated outcries from "boundary" schools - traditional public schools that draw students from a defined geographic area - who felt "non-boundary" schools - private, charter and vo-tech - had a competitive advantage.

In its distilled form, the rule states that anyone who transfers after he or she has started 10th grade is ineligible for PIAA postseason action in any sport in which he or she has participated in previously. There are exceptions allowed, but it is the student's obligation to prove that he or she meets one of those rather strict exceptions. Can't afford private school any longer? Show us your parents' tax returns. You moved? Let's see the legal documentation and hear the reasons why.

These students are eligible for regular season and district tournament play (depending on district rules), just not the state tournaments. That way, they can be seen by college coaches and receive all the other benefits that come from athletic participation. They are excluded only from state tournaments. There are avenues to appeal as well.

This may be one way to curtail the air of free agency that has pervaded high school sports. What do you think?
and a ton of other links out there.
All this talk about transfers has my head spinning. Our neighbors in Pennsylvania last year enacted new transfer rules following repeated outcries from "boundary" schools - traditional public schools that draw students from a defined geographic area - who felt "non-boundary" schools - private, charter and vo-tech - had a competitive advantage.

In its distilled form, the rule states that anyone who transfers after he or she has started 10th grade is ineligible for PIAA postseason action in any sport in which he or she has participated in previously. There are exceptions allowed, but it is the student's obligation to prove that he or she meets one of those rather strict exceptions. Can't afford private school any longer? Show us your parents' tax returns. You moved? Let's see the legal documentation and hear the reasons why.

These students are eligible for regular season and district tournament play (depending on district rules), just not the state tournaments. That way, they can be seen by college coaches and receive all the other benefits that come from athletic participation. They are excluded only from state tournaments. There are avenues to appeal as well.

This may be one way to curtail the air of free agency that has pervaded high school sports. What do you think?
and a ton of other links out there.
Don't apply in DE and easy rule to get around.. Funny part is all private schools recruit out of state.. Lol
No they don’t. Do kids come from out of state to privates yes. But the coaches are not going out in those states and approaching kids and parents to come to their school. What the hell would they promise them anyway? Hey come to Delaware and get a NCAA scholarship and play against top national competition? Lol. No. It’s simple parents seek out good private academics and a strong athletic program in their kids sport. When it comes to Cecil County Maryland or Over the border PA or NJ in areas that don’t have local strong privates. Caravel , St Marks or Sallies are easy choices as far as academics and athletics are concerned and the price is good

Point being when you have private schools that are located on a tri state border they will draw kids from those states within a 30 minute radius. Unless you board kids like St Andrews. Hell they were on their way to build a powerhouse basketball team but they fired the coach and backed off from that.
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Speaking of St Andrews. What a weird school. Dead Poets Society was filmed there staring Robin Williams. They could easily be a sports destination school and be a force in DE. But they choose not to.
No they don’t. Do kids come from out of state to privates yes. But the coaches are not going out in those states and approaching kids and parents to come to their school. What the hell would they promise them anyway. Hey come to Delaware and get a NCAA scholarship and play against top national competition? Lol. No. It’s simple parents seek out good private academics and a strong athletic program in their kids sport. When it comes to Cecil County Maryland or Over the border PA or NJ in areas that don’t have local strong privates. Caravel , St Marks or Sallies are easy choices as far as academics and athletics are concerned and the price is good

Point being when you have private schools that are located on a tri state border they will draw kids from those states within a 30 minute radius. Unless you board kids like St Andrews. Hell they were on their way to build a powerhouse basketball team but they fired the coach and backed off from that.
Thank you for saying this .. the fact that people think that DELAWARE HIGH SCHOOL coaches go out of there way to tell kids clmento their schools is completely asinine.
If public school coaches DID start "recruiting", then we'd really see some movement (and have some problems)
While we’re on the subject.aside from athletic scholarships College selection begins with what schools the child comes from then SAT/ACT scores then GPA. If you have been following the news with the cheating SAT scandals and interviews with entrance decision makers they tell you this. Bottom line is the high school you have a degree from is top of the list as far as college acceptance

Example. A 3.2 from Caravel weighs much higher than a 4.0 from Glasgow not that Glasgow isabad school but it is what is is. Just like a 3.2 from Sanford is much better than a 4.0 from oxford pA or AI
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It’s all kind of a mute argument anyway. All Delaware kids have to do is graduate with a 2.5 and and no criminal record they can go to UD for free under the SEED program
Don't apply in DE and easy rule to get around.. Funny part is all private schools recruit out of state.. Lol
I'm not even sure what you're trying to say here. What does "don't apply in DE" mean? That it's not a rule in Delaware? I know that. That's why I was asking if it's time to update the transfer rules. And it's not an easy rule to get around. Malik Ramsey, a 25-point scorer for California High School in western Pa., is ineligible, as is Lynn Greer III of Roman Catholic. The postseason ban is for one year, by the way. Your distaste for private schools is well-noted.

I'm looking for suggestions. If you like how it is currently, then say so.
Delaware residents have school choice So it’s not really an issue here. There are no public school zones. As far as out of state kids transferring in to private’s its not really a big deal. Does it happen yeah but not at rate to upset competitive balance. As far as I know no school in DE is trying to be a a National power in any sport. Sans Sallies Lacrosse. But their location an prowess fuels that engine
Speaking of St Andrews. What a weird school. Dead Poets Society was filmed there staring Robin Williams. They could easily be a sports destination school and be a force in DE. But they choose not to.
When did StA's fire their basketball coach? I was unaware of that.....
I just assumed he was gone being they fell off the map and guys like Bentlil and Tilhman we’re not coming anymore my bad
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I just assumed he was gone being they fell off the map and guys like Bentlil and Tilhman we’re not coming anymore my bad
St. Andrew’s is not known as a basketball school but best believe if you graduate from there your are going to college somewhere for free...nationally known academically. And lets’s not forget that even after Bentil & Tilghman they have since had Myles Stephens (Princeton) & Zach Kent (Tennessee) play there also.
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College for free thats such a misnomer . if your a good student you can go to college for free you dont have to be a great athlete but I was right the coach at St Andrews for Bentil and Tighlman is no longer there. Neither one of those two have a college degree by the way just saying

Sometimes somethings paid for and earned are more important than whats given to you
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College for free thats such a misnomer . if your a good student you can go to college for free you dont have to be a great athlete but I was right the coach at St Andrews for Bentil and Tighlman is no longer there. Neither one of those two have a college degree by the way just saying

Sometimes somethings paid for and earned are more important than whats given to you
When was he let go? Did he coach the past season?
getting a athletic scholarship just opens the door.. what a kid does with it is different story.. most just play and hope to make the league,, the others take advantage and get an employable degree.. its hard as a scholarship athlete to succeed in college as they have full time job to the team.. other kids can just be a college student and do what they do just saying its tuff for the kids either way but you dont have to be a stud to go for free
College for free thats such a misnomer . if your a good student you can go to college for free you dont have to be a great athlete but I was right the coach at St Andrews for Bentil and Tighlman is no longer there. Neither one of those two have a college degree by the way just saying

Sometimes somethings paid for and earned are more important than whats given to you
He is still there.
When was he let go? Did he coach the past season?

New Coach Mastracola
before him Stephen Desalvo 2014/2018
Terrel Myers was the coach im speaking about who was trying to build a program was just there two years 2012/2014
before him it was Tony Alleyne for a year and before him was Andrew Desalvo
New Coach Mastracola
before him Stephen Desalvo 2014/2018
Terrel Myers was the coach im speaking about who was trying to build a program was just there two years 2012/2014
before him it was Tony Alleyne for a year and before him was Andrew Desalvo
Terrell never left, he is there still as the head coach for boys basketball
New Coach Mastracola
before him Stephen Desalvo 2014/2018
Terrel Myers was the coach im speaking about who was trying to build a program was just there two years 2012/2014
before him it was Tony Alleyne for a year and before him was Andrew Desalvo
Mastracola is the baseball coach
I see your right on St Andrews website that Myers is still coach. weird Max has it different,, my bad anyway.. why did he stop building after Ben and Andre? Why are we talking about St Andrews any way? they are a tiny private school who plays no one in fact they play the the weakest schedules known to man lol
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I see your right on St Andrews website that Myers is still coach. weird Max has it different,, my bad anyway.. why did he stop building after Ben and Andre?
I don't know lol, I can only assume. I don't think it's a school that recruits based on athletics, it's very academically driven.
lol I think they dabbled in recruiting then pulled the plug on Myers .. none the less they are what they are
I would be very surprised b/c there is actually a committee that determines who gets in & who doesn't. It just doesn't strike me as the type of school that tries to garner attention through their sports programs. But I could be wrong, stranger things have happened.
College for free thats such a misnomer . if your a good student you can go to college for free you dont have to be a great athlete but I was right the coach at St Andrews for Bentil and Tighlman is no longer there. Neither one of those two have a college degree by the way just saying

Sometimes somethings paid for and earned are more important than whats given to you
You are mistaken.
sorry didn't think of all the content.. If your saying I am mistaken Ben and Austin just happened to go to St Andrews for 45 K a year by happen stance then yeah I am mistaken.. If it was all about the St Andrews degree then why did Andre leave to a hoop diploma school his SR year? How did Ben happen to choose that school that no one has ever heard of? and there was one other player that I cant remember his name as well.. No doub't St Andrews dabbled in recruiting a boss basketball team.. none at all
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and let me get this straight.. I don't view recruiting as a bad thing.. lying and false promises to get a player is.. In my opinion a parent and kid has the choice to send their kid to any school and choose the best fit for them academically and athletically and if the chosen school wants to offer financial aide then yeah I'll take it
sorry didn't think of all the content.. If your saying I am mistaken Ben and Andre just happened to go to St Andrews for 45 K a year by happen stance then yeah I am mistaken.. If it was all about the St Andrews degree then why did Andre leave to a hoop diploma school his SR year? How did Ben happen to choose that school that no one has ever heard of? and there was one other player that I cant remember his name as well.. No doub't St Andrews dabbled in recruiting a boss basketball team.. none at all
Mistaken about your confidence in saying that Terrell Myers was no longer the coach.
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You effed that up big time guy. Word the wise, always check a school's website over others. BTW who are you referring to as Andre?

lol so sue me... Austin I mean't.. give me a break I was dealing with serious tummy ulcers.. not feeling to well :(
College for free thats such a misnomer . if your a good student you can go to college for free you dont have to be a great athlete but I was right the coach at St Andrews for Bentil and Tighlman is no longer there. Neither one of those two have a college degree by the way just saying

Sometimes somethings paid for and earned are more important than whats given to you
Tilghman does have a college degree graduated from Monmouth University in 2018
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And Bentil is still working on his while playing overseas stop spreading inaccurate information. Going to school for FREEEEEEEEEEEE paid off for them both and their parents #winning
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