dogs vs the Cats


Sep 22, 2005
I got Delmar 28-14. Cats will be hyped up and laurel coming off bad loss is bad combo for laurel. Go Wildcats!!!!
I see Delmar keeping it close and with Coach Hearn's experience pulling it out at the end. He will make adjustments that Laurel's coach will not.
Delmar has not played great and Laurel till last week has played well. But in a game like this throw the records out teh window. Also I feel Delmar has teh advatage in Hearn's at the helm. But I feel this is Laurel's year and they will win this game going away........35-14
Just a couple weeks ago we were talking about this game being about Delmar's chance to spoil Laurel's chance at a conference title and playoff sport. Now this game has playoff implications for both teams. Give me the 'Cats in an upset. Delmar 34 Laurel 31
Originally posted by whodey00:
Just a couple weeks ago we were talking about this game being about Delmar's chance to spoil Laurel's chance at a conference title and playoff sport. Now this game has playoff implications for both teams. Give me the 'Cats in an upset. Delmar 34 Laurel 31
Stop it!! this game has no play-off implications for Delmar... the Cats only chance to make the play-offs is win the HenSouth.. To do that they would have to win out and Lake would have to lose to Seaford and Milford both... talk about miracles
so you're saying there's a chance......(jim carrey from dumb and dumber)

Still taking Delmar!!! Go WildCats!!!!
Originally posted by rizzo2005:
so you're saying there's a chance......(jim carrey from dumb and dumber)

Still taking Delmar!!! Go WildCats!!!!
For the record I have the Kitty Cats at home in this one as well.. Puppy Dogs will have to wait another year

Bikini Girl: Hi guys. We're going on a national bikini tour, and we're looking for two oil boys who can grease us off before each competition.

Lloyd Christmas
: You are in luck! There's a town about three miles that way. I'm sure you'll find a couple guys there.

Bikini Girl
: [baffled] Okay, thanks.

[the doors close and the bus drives off. After a second, Lloyd turns to Harry]

Harry Dunne
: Do you realize what you've done?

[they run after the bus]

Harry Dunne

Harry Dunne
: [panting] You'll have to excuse my friend. He's a little slow. The town is back *that* way.
I just can't see Laurel losing to Delmar. Laurel has kept it close with St. George's and Lake until about the 4th quarter. Delmar has loss to some pretty bad teams. They may be improving mainly due to beating a couple of even worse teams(Milford, Seaford) but I still see Laurel winning rather easily. Rivalry games only go so far....
Originally posted by smack.jack99:
I just can't see Laurel losing to Delmar. Laurel has kept it close with St. George's and Lake until about the 4th quarter. Delmar has loss to some pretty bad teams. They may be improving mainly due to beating a couple of even worse teams(Milford, Seaford) but I still see Laurel winning rather easily. Rivalry games only go so far....
I am going on momentum.. Kitty Cats on three game win streak with the last game traveling to Mt Pleasant on a Sat a morning and thumping them on homecoming.. Puppy Dogs coming off a loss that ended their Hen South Champ hopes.. Momentum and at Home. Just my opinion though.. I havent actually seen either play in person but have seen Mt P and they are decent..

This post was edited on 10/22 9:48 AM by ravensrooster2
Anyone who has seen me make a selection on here, knows that I am about to give a team the kiss of death. While I haven't seen both teams play, I have seen Delmar against Milford. Delmar does not look to have the same quality of players they have had in years past. While I think Leatherbury is an exceptional talent, I found his supporting cast not up to the usual high Delmar standards. I think the Mt. Pleasent win was impressive, but the previous two wins were to be expected.

Laurel is coming off a very tough loss against the #2 ranked team in Delaware, their only other loss came earlier in the season to the #1 ranked team in the state. The Bulldogs still have the playoffs well within their sights and know that a stumble here is a huge blow to their hopes. I think thiey can bounce back this week. Sorry about this Laurel:

Bulldogs 37- Wildcats 22
funny RR, but kitty cat comments need to stop.... dont make me call in an order for carvel fudgie the whale
I have seen both teams play and let me just tell you Delmar might lose there last three and we will see how great Coach Hearn is. Laurel has lost to the top 2 teams in Division 2.
Hay rizzo it took Delmar to win 3 games for you to speak up!!! Can't wait till fri... So you can go hide Untill next year!!
Was Delmar full strength against St. E?

I was at that game and felt that it was a down year for Delmar.
southfb and your 5th post, you know what you can do with that. love to see all my fans out there throwing their 2 cents in. you would think that you would be alittle louder since laurel has not won the south since early 90's....
The past is the past Rizzo we will see what Delmar has the next 5 years. Wait to Leatherbury leaves, what you going to have. Nothing. So I would live in the past if I were you to.
S&M, Coach Hearn record and accomplishments speak for itself. Delmar might be having a down year but with him on the sidelines he keeps the games close. For the record "Hearn" can out coach "Phillips" in his sleep. Time will tell what Laurel team shows up.
Must of hit a nerve Rizzo, had to go to name calling. Aww I'm sorry. Your future is not bright in Delmar. You have no talent anywhere but maybe in your Pop Warner (pee wee team ).
Maybe its Hearn's coaching why Delmar is having a down here. Maybe Hearn can only coach talented teams. Maybe Hearn can't make average teams better.
Fact: year 2008, the last "sub par" year Delmar had with no real standout players. Started off the season similar to this year. End result: DII State Championship Delmar 12 Hodgson 8. So to say the Coach Hearn can only coach with talent is an insult not only to him but as a program.
Will post this again, you lower 4 on 13 need to merge, a good fight the dogs and cats, and the bluebirds and the raiders. It will just keep getting bad down there, you can live in the past all you want, but that's not helping the schools.
Originally posted by Mylocalview:
Will post this again, you lower 4 on 13 need to merge, a good fight the dogs and cats, and the bluebirds and the raiders. It will just keep getting bad down there, you can live in the past all you want, but that's not helping the schools.
There are some serious problems in the Seaford district, they need to be addressed. As for the other three, they will all have moved into new buildings within an eight year period. That demonstrates a commitment on the part of the parents/voters, to give their children a quality educational environment. These parents like the fact that their kids get to go to school close to home and wouldn't have it any other way. These kids grow up together, playing sports together starting in pee-wee and they love it.

When you have communities that are this small, it is inevitable that teams will have rough spots. That's ok, it's all part of it. They always find a way back and always will. More importantly, with the exception of Seaford, these are schools that young people can go to and get a quality education, along with a sense of community. I know first hand that this is what the parents of students attending these schools want. If they wanted something else, they would and have put them on a bus and shipped them to Tech.

These parents aren't living in the past, they are living in the future. The future that they want for their children.
That is nice, but can we think to the say the Lake Forest district and the schools it took in, o and let's see the Indian River district, now I can even go up north to a couple. I will say this again, it will only get worst, kids will be pulled out to the trade schools and others. Those districts will run out of money in the next so many years and become dives. Try looking ahead, might save a lot of problems. And yes my district is not the same anymore, they looked ahead, and most of the people now in it don't even know it was different at one time. But again just me
Maybe I am missing something here, but what would Delmar's reason be for needing to merge with another district? And if it ever did, wouldn't it be with a Wicomico County district, not Laurel?
Who they would merge with is what ever. The reason you will find out in the next few years, good luck. Just remember you heard it here first. Also they would have more places to eat going to a game, of course that is for the few on here.

This post was edited on 10/26 8:30 AM by Mylocalview
You're literally either trolling or not the sharpest tool in the shed. Delmar and Laurel will be just fine. Not a fan of either school but to say they should all merge(including Seaford and Woodbridge too I guess?) is idiotic. That school district would literally have about 3500+ kids in high school. I'm guessing you'd merge them schools altogether creating one giant super school after Laurel and Woodbridge just got brand new schools? Hell lets just merge Milford, Lake, Poly, and St. Thomas More while we're at it. Well Woodbridge would go with them wouldn't ya think? Hell screw the school districts, lets just merge a bunch of schools together and make like 6 giant super schools and see who's the best every year. Tech does steal some kids from that area just like poly steals a bunch from Lake, CR, Dover, Milfird, etc. but those schools still find their success. Really it makes no sense to merge those schools together.
Originally posted by Mylocalview:
That is nice, but can we think to the say the Lake Forest district and the schools it took in, o and let's see the Indian River district, now I can even go up north to a couple. I will say this again, it will only get worst, kids will be pulled out to the trade schools and others. Those districts will run out of money in the next so many years and become dives. Try looking ahead, might save a lot of problems. And yes my district is not the same anymore, they looked ahead, and most of the people now in it don't even know it was different at one time. But again just me
Yes it is nice, nice that the voters and parents have a say in where and how their children go to school. Yes, lets take a look at the Lake Forest school district. One, High School, that's it, no more than that. And lets look a bit more at the history of this school. Lets go back to about 2008 when they couldn't even finish the season due to a lack of eligible players. Plus there was in general, poor academic performance from the school as a whole.The school was considered a joke, but unlike in other school districts (insert your big school district name here), they didn't lower the bar, they raised it, imagine that, parents expecting more from their children. The school required students to have a higher than minimum GPA if they wanted to play. They brought in Freddie Johnson, a coach who demanded accountability from his players., both on and off the field. Lake has continually been recognized for their academic achievement and I believe it is because of the continued partnership between the school and the residents of the district.

We have looked ahead by looking up north and we see districts that continually fail their children, parents who blame the schools. No thanks, you keep it. Don't worry about us, we know how to solve our own problems. We have been doing it for quite a while now.
Well said ikeyfbst some of the school districts mentioned spend more time blaming other people instead of looking inside. You can change the outside but the inside is still the same! Lake is a quality district with quality Kids, Coaches, and Staff! Keep up the good and hard work!
Now my picking Lake had nothing to do with the school. At one time it was not Lake, maybe you can't remember, try Harrington and Felton. Do you remember those schools. Now you can also take the Indian River district, how many schools did that district make up. Look at districts, even Wm Penn was the biggest at one time, kids leaving, things change. My school is not the same as when I went.
It was a merger of three districts, Felton, Harrington and Frederica. The reason was that funding was not available to build the new buildings required for those districts. That does not seem to be the case with Laurel, Delmar and Woodbrige, who either have or are building, new buildings that should be sufficent for the next 20 years. Seaford is an issue, but it is up to that district to fix their problems. They will have to decide if they want to raise the bar or lower it, it's up to them. It's not up to any other school district to bail them out.