Foles Called for Philly Special

Uncle Bumfuzzled

D1A Prospect
Sep 11, 2012
This gets more amazing by the minute. I have to watch inside the NFL on Showtime tonight. Ray Lewis probably will be in rare form....

I still am bumfuzzled by this. Brass.....
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It’s over Johhny...
parade tomorrow!!
Going up on a fire truck!!
Look for me 84, I’ll be the one getting arrested
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If you watch the play, The receiver checks with the ref and gets the nod. If it’s good enough for the ref, it’s good enough for me.

Yes...I heard that reviewed on NFL network the other day....of course the Cowboys fans are still having flashbacks on the Ertz call.....
In the NFL they allow the lineman to cheat back off the ball. If the official feels the WR has the tackle covered they give the ok Covered is WR head and feet over over linemans hip which in this snapshot they are
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