Friday Scores

Only 4 games still on and I can't see Mckean and Dickinson playing considering that game is on grass.

Concord at Appo
Interboro at Caravel
Delcastle at Middletown
Interboro 8 CA 0 11:00 2nd Q
Appo 8 Concord 6 end of 1 ( G Roberts with a 68 yd td run)
Appo - Kenyon Yellowdy to Jarod Reinhart TD - XP Good. Appo up 15-6 on Concord 9:38 2nd
Am I missing the thread about when games will be made up? Heading south for the night wondering if anyone is playing.


Todays schedule

1:30 Milford @ Conrad
2pm Christiana vs Brandywine @ Caravel
3pm St Marks @ Archmere
3pm Tatnall at Tower Hill
6pm Smyrna @Dover
7pm Father Judge vs Sallies @ Northwestern HS
7pm HVT vs Howard @ Baynard
7pm STech @SCentral

Busch .. Smyrna vs Dover is the game to hit
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