
In the weight room getting big
Apr 30, 2012
#18 Concord (7-4) @ #3 A.I.Dupont (9-2). Huge Flight A game as Concord is 5-1 in Flight A and A.I. is 4-1. The winner will take control of Flight A. Concord has won 2 straight. They are led by Harris on the mound and at the plate McHugh & Carney. A.i. Lost their last game to Sallies 5-1 knocking them out of the #1 spot. They are led by Kasey & PiJuan who both have 4 wins this season. At the plate Hidalgo has 3 homers on the year. A.I. won both of their games last season, while Concord won both the year before.

#11 St Georges (8-4) @ #15 Hodgson (7-5). I believe this is a non conference game for these two since they played earlier in the season where Hodgson won 8-2 in the Stenta Cup Championship where Walter beat Gilbert. Now these two are meeting up again with both teams going in different directions. St Georges has won 3 of their last 4 games this season. Hodgson has lost three straight games. Hodgson has suffered some hard luck this year losing 3 games by 2 runs or less. But on the flip side they have won two 1-run games.

#6 Sus Central (9-3) @ #2 Dover (9-2). Central was coming off a 3-4 loss to Tech before winning big last night against Laurel. They are led by Conaway who is 4-1 on the mound. Dover broke their two game slide (losses to Appo & St Marks), to 10 run rule a pretty decent Polytech team. Dover's offense is one of the tops in the state, averaging over 9 runs per game. This totally compliments their pitching which is only giving up 1.4 runs per game, led by pitchers Cullen (4-1) & Spadafino (3-1). Dover has 4 shutouts and no one has scored more than 3 runs on them. Dover has beat Central the past two years. A win puts Dover up 2 games for the Henlopen title.

#14 Polytech (7-3) @ #10 Smyrna (9-4). Poly had a 6 game winning streak snapped by Dover over the weekend, getting beat 10-0. Poly is led at the plate and the mound by U.D. comming Conner Chasanov, who is 4-0 pitching. Smyrna lost 2 straight tough games to CR & St Marks. Smyrna is led on the mound by Dulin who is 4-0. Smyrna has beat Poly the past two years.

#12 Cape (7-7) @ #7 CR (10-3). Cape has been up and down all season. With two wins over top ten teams Sallies & Tech but losses to unranked Milford and Ir recently. Cape has lost 3 straight since returning from Hawaii. CR on the other hand has won 4 straight, all over ranked opponents (Concord, Archmere, Delmar, Smyrna). CR is led by Dill and Rivera on the mound. Brosius is getting hits every game. Cape has won big the last two years against CR. Lets see if the tide turns for Cape.

#9 Sallies (7-4) @ Charter (6-4). Charter started 6-1, including a close loss to Caravel. But the tires have come off since, losing 3 straight to A.I., Poly & Concord, were they were outscored 30-3. Sallies after a 2-3 start, have won 5 of their last 6 which includes a 1 run loss to #1 St Marks. Hopefully Sallies isn't looking ahead to their rematch tomorrow at Frawley with St Marks, because Charter should be fighting for their playoff lives.

Other games of interest

WmPenn (8-5) @ Appo (5-7). Penn has won 2 straight and has an outside shot at the playoffs. Burton is 5-2 for Penn. Appo is better than their record, winning 4 straight before their close loss to St Marks last night. Appo has beaten Dover, Mtown and has close losses to Hodgson, Concord, Delmar and Sallies.

#8 Archmere (11-2) @ Tatnall (9-4). Tatnall has won 7 straight games and has two 4-win pitchers in Goodge and Campbell. Archmere has won three straight games and 3 pitchers with 3 wins or more, Deely, Voge & Gentile. Archmere also can put up the runs as they are second in HR's this year, led by Deely with 4 of his own.

St E (5-8) @ #13 Mtown (7-5). St E struggling this year after a 16-2 season last year. St E has played 5 top ten teams and lost all but 1 by a couple of runs. There is only one team that has played more games against top ten teams in the state. Mtown is another jekyl and hyde team. Mtown beat A.I., Concord and Hodgson but struggled beating Dickinson, Glagow and DMA. Then Mtown loses to WmPenn and Appo then crushed by St Georges. Mtown is led by 5-2 Colin Peluse.
HVT and STG is actually a conference game, the stetna cup game did not count towards conference so today is the one that could decide flight B. HVT winning 2-0 after one inning.
HVT wins 6-3 behind Brandon Walter, HVT jumped out to a quick 6-0 lead behind a triple from Sayers, a double by Bell and a bases loaded double from Walter also. St Georges battled back to get with in 3 but could get no closer, Lance Gilbert struggled early giving up hits but settled down and kept his team in the game. Great game on both sides

HVT will host Mt Pleasant on Thursday for the Flight B bid to the state tourney