How will Tropical Storm Joaquin effect this weekends games

The way the cone looks, it looks like we're gonna have a BUSY Sunday and Monday on the football front. Hopefully it dies down or goes out to the Atlantic.
The great equalizer to speed & a passing game! Wet balls, sloppy field, and windy conditions. conditions prime for sure handed power running game.
"Hurricane" Joaquin... Ugghh!

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That's a good idea...I hope it spreads!

IMO I doubt you see more of this. I'm glad it got done for the game above, but if the calls weren't made by now then you shouldn't see it happen tonight.



You are dealing with county(or city) run schools in MD...doubt individual schools have an option. I do think it would be smart though because it looks like Saturday might not be a definite option. Hate to have to play Monday and go again on Friday. Good ole Mutha Natecha!


Both Balto County and Privates.. The individual schools can move the games.. Balto County has a bunch old grass fields with hardly any grass that dont drain well,, If it rains like they are talking they wouldn't be playable for a few days...