John Reed Straight Savage

It is i got a whole kick out of how Coach Reed said to TNJ that Barker may play next week but he played a little last night. Did hear that he saw a late minute doctors appointment but none the less i thought it was hilarious
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Thou shalt not bear false witness.

(You get to keep your own doctor. I am not a crook. Saddam Hussein has weapons of mass destruction hidden in the desert. We will not get mired down in a land war in Southeast Asia.
Alex Barker will not play this week.)
lol did you folks not pay attention to my disinformation post? HS coaches are not required to file a injury report its not the NFL,,, news reporters are stupid to think they deserve a answer and to get a honest one at that.. Reed is right keep the info close to the vest if you ask a stupid question expect a stupid answer..Myers might have well as asked what are the first five plays you plan to run then he can cry if those arent the actual plays they run lol
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Maybe Reed should have just gave him the whole game plan... Here Brad but don't share it Not that it matters Brad wouldn't know how to read it anyway.. Myers is a doofus and knows nothing about football anyway...
I notice Brad dind't ask any of the D1 teams about their injuries,, where was the scoup on Bam?
Myers is the hardest working DE HS sports reporter the News Journal ever had. Today these guys have to write stories, do video, do twitter, facebook and cover a lots of events. Jesus, the man covers the bands and does human interest stories. ( Remember when Lombardi told the sports writers..." If you were any damned good you'd be getting Pulitzer Prizes. )

OK, so I have become a Brad Myers fan. Maybe he reads this board and saw the rumor and that sparked the question. Maybe the Caravel Coach should have said He wasn't sure or maybe he should have told him his plans "off the record."
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yeah whatever the guy is a doosh... he disrespected lilrooster because lilrooster called him out on a prediction against his team and his team won.. dont like the guy never will.. typical thin skinned media type..beside listen to his football predictions n the past,, he doesnt know shit about the game,,, he parrots what he hears

You're calling him thin skinned yet you're all butt hurt because your little pecker (I'm using that as a homonym) decided to "call out" a reporter for making a prediction on a high school game?? Good parent you are encouraging your son to argue with an adult reporter
I have Pickle Fer blocked but I clicked the button to see what she said now I have to explain... The first game my Sons Jr yr CA was Playing HVT in the first Back Yard Brawl and the DFRC Kick Off Classic... Myers picked HVT to win and the coaches used that as motivation for the players,,, CA crushed them and in the group meeeting after the game my son in an excited state said F Brad Meyers who is he anyway,, well Brad was standing right there but unbeknownst to my son as he didnt even know what he looked like,, Then later in the year Myers did radio on a couple of CA games and Myers refused to announce my kids name for any play he made .. Refused to talk about him pregame as a player to watch even though the opposing coaches did.. he even went as far as announcing his teammate making a tackle and saying this kid leads the team in tackles and no one is close,,, well except my kid who has more and actually made the tackle on that play.. no Myers is the one who was butthurt I just don't like the guy because he is a fat **** fraud tuba player,, Is that enough real for you?

So you blame brad Meyers for not liking a 16 year old that yelled "F*ck Brad Myers!" because he picked a different team? A normal parent would discipline his kid for saying that. I sure would. No respect. Not surprising though
sure you would fancy pants,, the coaches throw the f word around so do the players what kind of mamby pamby land do you live in?,,It must suck Hillary lost for you creepy,, people can actuality speak their mind now .. hope no one hurts your feelings that would be a shame

You really are batshit crazy
You really are batshit crazy

Remember how you talked crap on Henderson and then his dad addressed it and you on here and then you went into hiding for a week and came back claiming you were sick so you didn't keep up with the message board to try and give the impression you didn't see his dad give you a spankin?

Everyone else remembers. The south remembers.
Compete bullshit it was not how it happened.. bottom line is I will speak my mind and give my opinions whether you nor any other child worshiper parent agrees,,, If you dont like it then too fing bad.. give me a spanking lol that only happens if it is physically happening.. I really dont care what anyone has to say so its of no effect to me,, call me what you will ... you are just screen names of folks I dont know,, meaningless.. eh nevermind your a complete retard never should have took off ignore,, back on you go goodbye jackass

Child worshipper parent? I'm talking about disciplining a kid for being disrespectful, you're talking about how manly you and your kid are because he yelled "F*ck Brad Meyers!!!"

Want to rethink which one of us is the child worshipper?
Not sure who the child worshipper comment was for...but I'd havta guess my "child" would never throw F bombs in that manner. And I know if he ever did, he'd get a life lesson from me that he'd never forget.
Sounds as though you don't like anyone putting down your son or his team. That's somewhat surprising that pickle struck a nerve so easily.
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This is basically what he is saying- "My 16 year old son said f*ck you to a local HS sports journalist and then the journalist didn't say my son's name during a game so F*CK HIM!!!"

Wow. What a child you are.
Guess I'm a bit naive and just thought Myers was being sarcasticly tongue in cheek with his tweet. RR is like our own Santa Claus with his Naughty and Nice lists.
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So wait RR2 ... your son says "F$&k Brad Myers" and you say Brad Myers disrespected your kid b/c he wouldn't announce his name on the radio or talk about him as a "player to watch" even though other coach did?? Sounds like your the one that's thinned skinned with your panties all in a bunch. Typical CA mentality right there
So wait RR2 ... your son says "F$&k Brad Myers" and you say Brad Myers disrespected your kid b/c he wouldn't announce his name on the radio or talk about him as a "player to watch" even though other coach did?? Sounds like your the one that's thinned skinned with your panties all in a bunch. Typical CA mentality right there

It really is a disturbing, child worshiping mentality. His 16 year old yells "f*ck you" to a reporter and that's fine and not disrespectful at all....,yet the reporter doesn't say the kids name in a player to watch capsule or something and it's the height of disrespect....and has made him angry to the point that years later he's still talking about it and calling the guy a "fat f*ck tuba player" and saying he better hope he doesn't see him face to face, insinuating he would fight him.....all because someone didn't say his kids name after his kid said "f*ck you" to the guy. Talk about child worshiping.

I'm convinced RR has some sort of mental disorder, and thats not a joke.
forget about it I was being petty and stupid... just dont care for the guy and lets leave it at that
Not sure who the child worshipper comment was for...but I'd havta guess my "child" would never throw F bombs in that manner. And I know if he ever did, he'd get a life lesson from me that he'd never forget.
Sounds as though you don't like anyone putting down your son or his team. That's somewhat surprising that pickle struck a nerve so easily.
yeah ok.. he wasnt a kid he was 18 (it was his SR year I mispoke about it being his JR year) for one and was celebrating with his team who just pulled an upset win..yeah I am going punish him for that lol eh nevermind ,, I m sure your kids are complete angels when they are with their teammates lol super dad I have done the chains enough at HS games to know better.. You hear everything and anything..Doesnt matter whether its a Christian Academy , Public, Catholic or Tech you hear it all from all of them..
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yeah ok.. he wasnt a kid he was 18 for one and was celebrating with his team who just pulled and upset win..yeah I am going punish him for that lol eh nevermind ,, I m sure your kids are complete angels when they are with their teamates lol super dad

You said he was a junior when it happened. And a kid is usually 16 in the fall of their junior year unless you're on the Reeder plan. So you're lying when you say he was 18 to make you seem not as much of a jackass.
You said he was a junior when it happened. And a kid is usually 16 in the fall of their junior year unless you're on the Reeder plan. So you're lying when you say he was 18 to make you seem not as much of a jackass.
Pfer just move onto someone or something else.. I know your just trying to get a rise out of me.. I took you off ignore just because I enjoy a good banter but lets just move on.. to football maybe, I misspoke about it being his JR year it was his SR year he has a Nov technically when the game happened week 1 you are right he was 17 hadn't turned 18 yet... you happy you caught me on a lie.. I guess I should have washed his mouth out with soap.. my bad.. and nice spin on the last 1... He didnt say FU to a reporter he was addressing his teammates in a victory celebration and was fing his prediction and the reporter just happened to be within earshot... big difference
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