Lmao it has gotten to the point where they are covering only the southern schools…I think Smyrna has been showcased 4 times by now?

And idk who choose some of these games but “Come on man”
Lmao it has gotten to the point where they are covering only the southern schools…I think Smyrna has been showcased 4 times by now?

And idk who choose some of these games but “Come on man”
They chose Sallies for this week because of the B+ foundation charity and they just happened to be playing Smyrna this week. Along with Woodbridge because of the 4Troy Foundation and not sure why they keep choosing Cape ahaha
no coverage for Delmar v Caravel

Yeah I knew about the foundations and why they were doing that, and can understand why, they are easy to promote. And it will draw an audience. For the “4Troy”, and “B+” alone. So I’m not against that.

but they have been airing Cape Henlopen A LOT this year. And I’m all for exposure but after 2 times I think it should stop for all schools. Give other teams a chance to be showcased.

I was happy to see them do a Polytech/Odessa game because those schools don’t ever get attention, but you got to mix it up more. We’re starting to see the same schools 302 every week no matter what sport.

and then let’s say after Week 6/7 when games start to mean playoff berths, then you can flex games out and games in that mean more. Like the Caravel/Delmar game.

I just think there’s a better way to select the games, and I hope next year they do a better job at it.
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Lmao it has gotten to the point where they are covering only the southern schools…I think Smyrna has been showcased 4 times by now?

And idk who choose some of these games but “Come on man”
This will be Cape's 5th game covered.. 🤔
Woahh 5th really? Sheesh did one of the founders graduate from Cape or what?

Week 0- Sallies @ Cape
Week 1- Cape @ Woodbridge
Week 2- WPenn @ Cape
Week 7- Cape @ Central
Week 8- Cape @ Appo

I bet they are scheduled for Smyrna @ Cape week 10 also . I think Benny graduated from one of the schools either Cape or Central don't remember

Someone must of thought Cape was going to be a contender or something this year. The games are scheduled and signed off on by the AD's in the summer before the season.
Benny went to Sussex Central, but he has run the henlopen hammers forever and I think most of those kids usually go to central or cape.
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Maybe some actually hates Cape and knew they were going to have a rough year and wanted to put it on display 🤷‍♂️
Benny actually does a pretty good job. There’s no hiding he’s a Sussex central guy, but he knows his southern teams and that’s why if there’s a southern game going on hes usually the one announcing it.

The rest of the crew is up north but they have two guys who’s names escape me that are more Volleyball, field hockey, and soccer. It’s rare for them to do football games and when they do you can tell the difference.

Glenn Frazier was a WDEL guy who’s been doing broadcasting for years so he’s been doing most of the northern games and he’s good at it. I just wish they’d give him some help so they can cover more north games than they do.

maybe it’s just the amount of people they have but I still think they could get a better variety of teams than showing Cape 5 times or Smyrna 4 times.
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I wonder if some places just film better too. Early this season they did the Friends at Tatnall game and it didn't look all that great. Plus Tatnall had lights set up on generators and it kept part of the field dark. Capes field looks pretty good on camera so that might be a little part of it.
Benny actually does a pretty good job. There’s no hiding he’s a Sussex central guy, but he knows his southern teams and that’s why if there’s a southern game going on hes usually the one announcing it.

The rest of the crew is up north but they have two guys who’s names escape me that are more Volleyball, field hockey, and soccer. It’s rare for them to do football games and when they do you can tell the difference.

Glenn Frazier was a WDEL guy who’s been doing broadcasting for years so he’s been doing most of the northern games and he’s good at it. I just wish they’d give him some help so they can cover more north games than they do.

maybe it’s just the amount of people they have but I still think they could get a better variety of teams than showing Cape 5 times or Smyrna 4 times.
This will be Smyrna's 6th time on 302

Week 2- Middletown @ Smyrna
Week 3- CR @ Smyrna
Week 5- Smyrna @ Central
Week 6- Smyrna @ St Georges
Week 7- Dover @ Smyrna
Week 8- Smyrna @ Sallies
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See that’s just ridiculous in my opinion.

A lot of that I think has to do with Edge transferring in and maybe they thought you would be seeing something special. Also some schools won't sign off on them doing their home games for whatever reason. I am pretty sure Middletown is one of those schools. Maybe they think it would hurt ticket sales or whatever.
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A lot of that I think has to do with Edge transferring in and maybe they thought you would be seeing something special. Also some schools won't sign off on them doing their home games for whatever reason. I am pretty sure Middletown is one of those schools. Maybe they think it would hurt ticket sales or whatever.
Honestly I don’t care if Middletown gets on there, I’m at every game anyway so I won’t miss a thing. I just wanna see more than two of the same teams play online
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