Rufo will truly be missed. Those muscular and bulky arms and his perfectly combed hair. Ahhhhhhhh (moan). Number one on the court and number one in our hearts. Connor Rufo is love, Connor rufo is life.
Do you have a crush on him or something? I'll tell you what I told @hoopsdownstate, this is a SPORTS FORUM not a gay cruising website.Rufo will truly be missed. Those muscular and bulky arms and his perfectly combed hair. Ahhhhhhhh (moan). Number one on the court and number one in our hearts. Connor Rufo is love, Connor rufo is life.
How about you meet me in the alley and we can play with each other?I think its time to take mean-spirited and pathetic nonsense off this forum. Take your two or three loser friends and your weird crap to some dark dank alley and play with each other there. This is about Delaware high school basketball -- not your hateful agenda.