Sad state of affairs.
The cowbells must go!!!
Kids? More like young adults. Parents should be held accountable but the so called kids are accountable as well. It’s a social problem. Are there bad parents? Yes but I have seen many very good nurturing caring parents have unruly bad kids. Ultimately it’s on the kid as to who they want to be. I know it’s PC to blame the parents for kids behavior but it’s not always the case. Kids or should I say teenagers who consider themselves as adults should be accountable for their own actions
You took the words right out of my this late DO NOT benefit the kids at all. I miss coaching and my son playing at this young age, but I DO NOT miss this part of it allPeople trying to extend youth football beyond their league championship to some fake regional or national championship is rediculous and half the problem. Let the kids learn the game and have fun then when the season is over (let it be over) let the kids move on to basketball or wrestling