Mount me me me Pleasant


Water boy
Jan 29, 2012
mount pleasant as a team is mediocre. They are winning off of Defense and raw talent they haven't put together a well played game yet, which tells you how talented they are. if they can put it together it'll be scary but that's a BIG if, too many egos out there you can't win in March like that! she pulled the whole starting 5 in the first quarter and let them get a couple splinters to wake up! have too wait and see if she can put it together too much me me me out there! if they play like this at the beach this weekend they won't beat st Elizabeth and darn sure won't beat that Virginia team. S/O to Glasgow came to play last night if they coulda kept the big freshman kid off the glass it woulda been an upset! Mount better become a team by sunday or they're taking 2 losses this weekend. I'm looking forward to slam dunk at the beach!!
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