Newark football

Never mind bad rumor lol lights poles at the field we’re a safety issue, so no more Friday night lights at Newark
According to website for sports 1 of their 5 home games is Saturday morning.
Not sure if that is related to the removal of the lights or a schedule conflict on Friday night
I played briefly at Howard when we were not given access to the lights at Baynard and those 10:30 am start times were miserable. Had to have our parents drop us off at the school to get our gear, take a bus over to Baynard, get dressed, play, take that same bus back to Howard and wait for our parents to come get us.
I think the morning game at Newark was based on the small town philosophy in the 1950's that the locals could attend both UD and Newark games. I am OK with different schools having different traditions but I am not in love with AM games.....with the exception of Thanksgiving games....but then we don't play on Thanksgiving anymore....