OT Jesus Christ


Top 100 Prospect
Jun 30, 2010
Flacco wtf? Ravens getting embarrassed in London .. Hope the Eagles do better later lol
what do you think of the players who did not stand for National Anthem?
As a veteran I say it's disrespectful to all the military personnel that have put their life's on the line so that these guys can make millions playing the game we all love, just a guy who went too Iraq twice and Afghanistan once. I voted for Trump and I will continue to support him
Ya Da Man!!
I had no idea..
Much respect too you and the ones who will never hear The National Anthem again!!
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I hear every time it's played bro and also remember smell of dead bodies that haven't been embalmed, both of those stay with you for life
what do you think of the players who did not stand for National Anthem?

This a very complicated question as is the issue. First off it won't only be the Ravens but many others this weekend due to Trump comments,, I tend to stay away from politics but must say even though I think Trump means right his mouth gets him in trouble.. In any case I don't know what the movement is about.. White cops are not gunning down black kids because they are black.. In my day killing a cop was taboo but today its a badge of honor. Cops are not gunning down black kids because they are black They are reacting to a dangerous situation they are in. Never the less Who cares stand ,kneel and do whatever you want during the anthem .. If the anthem means something to you then you do you. Who cares what others do That is freedom right?
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Freedom, is a word that is earned through blood sweat and tears, we meaning Americans use it freely because it's all we have ever known. It's easy to forget how we got it and the great cost we payed to get it but I digress
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God Bless the U.S.A.
Lee Greenwood
If tomorrow all the things were gone
I'd worked for all my life
And I had to start again
With just my children and my wife
I'd thank my lucky stars
To be living here today
Cause the flag still stands for freedom
And they can't take that away
And I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
And I gladly stand up
Next to you and defend her still today
Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
God bless the USA
From the lakes of Minnesota
To the hills of Tennessee
Across the plains of Texas
From sea to shining sea
From Detroit down to Houston,
And New York to L.A
Well there's pride in every American heart
And its time we stand and say
Freedom came at a price I get that but times change These kids didn't experience that.. They just see things as they experience them yeah its overblown and silly to us but to them its reality.. In reality its not a racial issue but a social economic issue
God Bless the U.S.A.
Lee Greenwood
If tomorrow all the things were gone
I'd worked for all my life
And I had to start again
With just my children and my wife
I'd thank my lucky stars
To be living here today
Cause the flag still stands for freedom
And they can't take that away
And I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
And I gladly stand up
Next to you and defend her still today
Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
God bless the USA
From the lakes of Minnesota
To the hills of Tennessee
Across the plains of Texas
From sea to shining sea
From Detroit down to Houston,
And New York to L.A
Well there's pride in every American heart
And its time we stand and say

This is the problem with the word. Setting borders and claiming were better than you because of where you are born. Flag waving There are plenty of countries that are more free than US and they are not trying to police the world just saying. How free are we when you can get fired for anything you might say?
Not as many "free" countries as you think RR, look I lived in Saudi Arabia for 7yrs, Brussels Belgium 1yr and Germany 2yrs and I can tell you there is no other country like the one we live in, freedom isn't as wide spread as some would like to think
I wasnt talking about Eastern block countries as much as below the equator island countries. I am more than happy to have no TV and fish and live off the land. Thats freedom to me
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Just my two cents. They are employees getting paid by their employer to do a job. Go to work tomorrow and protest something social or political while you're on the clock and see what your boss says about it. Protest whatever you want but do it on your own time.
I agree with you in principle but pro athletes and actors are more like sub contractors,, yeah they are employees but they are not getting paid to sell a product they didn't produce they are getting paid for their own talents.. Not saying they are right getting involved in politics and people should consider the source when forming an opinion but just saying they are not normal employees of a company so the comparison does't apply IMO
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I think they should stand in respect for the national anthem. It's OK to air grievances, demonstrate, hold press conferences, express opinions on police community relations and to speak out in any public forum.

To use the National Anthem as a vehicle to express their grievances strikes me as attempt to do an attention grabbing thing to put the spotlight on themselves.

Maybe there is a lot of outside pressure on them to do this. Jesus, Ali gave up his title for 3 years because of his beliefs. He spoke up and criticized anybody he wanted......but I never remember him being anything but respectful during the the National Anthem.

By the way...I don't want to sound like I have my head in the sand because there are real problems. I ok with A lot of Trump's policies and I agree with a lot of the moves that he has made but he is an example of a guy who is pulling the attention grabbing stuff all the time. As he is President, his attention grabbing stuff is often times worse than any NFL player synchronized knee, downs...

I am taking a couple of weeks away from the board. Good night.
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First of all, to the veterans here, thank you for your service. I am grateful to each of you.

To me, the sacrifices made by those who served were made to preserve our freedoms. One of those freedoms is freedom of speech, which has been broadened to be freedom of expression. If a person, regardless of their vocation, chooses to express himself in a non-violent way, it's an expression of that freedom. Our veterans didn't serve to force others to respect their values. They served to allow people to respect their own values. If an NFL player chooses to sit, or kneel during the National Anthem to bring awareness to a cause that is important to them, that is their right as an American. I think a lot of people have lost sight of what the word "freedom" means. It doesn't mean do what the loudest mob says to means do what you, the individual, chooses to do. That's the American way.
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@Dr D
on pages A62-63 in The NFL rule book, it states all players and coaches should stand to attention while the National Anthem is being played !
if a customer asks me to do a certain detail on their property and I don't, guess what????
I probably won't be back!!
I end up getting more confused. I agree with myself, I agree with sparty and I agree with Disigno.

Is a reasonable solution to not have players of the field for the national anthem....or possibly just a captain or designee by the coach. The news is dominated by this stuff..

....and yes I am thankful to all veterans. Every male in my immediate family was in the military.. Bummy did not enlist in the volunteer army. for better or worse.
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@Dr D
on pages A62-63 in The NFL rule book, it states all players and coaches should stand to attention while the National Anthem is being played !
if a customer asks me to do a certain detail on their property and I don't, guess what????
I probably won't be back!!

Wow, can't believe I agree with Designo, RN but I do. I personally wouldn't protest in this manner but they're doing it peacefully and it's their right.

It's also the right of their employer to fire them, and we have seen 0 people fired. Kaepernick is debatable but I just think he's proven himself as an ineffective player and in addition to protesting he's said and done some stupid shit (police pig socks).

I think what you said Sparty makes sense for normal people but these guys are pro athletes. You're a dime a dozen. So am I. Designo is a penny a dozen. So if we break certain rules we will have certain repercussions. If an owner thinks that the distraction from someone protesting outweighs their production than I imagine he'd be gone. Not the case though, at least yet.
@Dr D
on pages A62-63 in The NFL rule book, it states all players and coaches should stand to attention while the National Anthem is being played !
if a customer asks me to do a certain detail on their property and I don't, guess what????
I probably won't be back!!

Spartakos... The NFL rule book says "should" which is a suggestion not a mandate therefore they have no legal leg to stand on for firing or punishing players for not standing for the anthem. Which is also why 0 players have been fired, suspended or fined.

As for Kaepernick as much as I actually like him he dug his own grave which has been well documented. First by restructuring his contract followed by opting out of the existing contract he had with the 49ers. Next he choose to make a stand about an injustice but followed that up by stating he didn't vote. He then had an opportunity to go to Miami but walked around wearing a Castro shirt and then his girlfriend mouth of about Ray Lewis and Ravens owner when they were looking into signing him.
pages A62-63
if I knew how to copy and post I would ..
SS = Stupid Sparty

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