OT: unbelievable

I just attended a clinic put on by Practice like the Pros and they made a very good argument for reduced live tackling in practice. The NFL has lowered its concussion rate to 4% during practice, in high school almost 60% percent of concussions happen during practice. Currently I think only 4 (NJ just announced last week) states don’t have limits on the amount of time you can hit…Delaware is one of them. PLP advocates not more than 3 hours during the preseason (to include scrimmages) and 15 minutes a week during the season. It was quite interesting the way some of the big time colleges are now practicing. For example Ohio State was playing thud during their spring game! Go check out the video called “The Dartmouth Way” then look at where their defense ranked…pretty impressive.

I also just finished a book called “Tackling Dummies” the author makes a pretty good case for kids not playing tackle football until middle school age. Some of the reason were; young kids can barely hold their heads up with a helmets on, poor coaching at that level, and in my opinion the best reason was that flag football actually can help overcome some poor coaching because the kids are force to pursue the ball carrier’s hips because that’s where the flags are....instead of going for a big hit! He says the kids who come to him from flag have better habits than those who played tackle.

Bottom line IMHO is we better get on board with the new way of thinking/practicing, the stats that PLP showed about the declining numbers in football are alarming! We may not have a game in our kid’s lifetime!


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