Practice length?


Getting reps on JV
Jun 24, 2005
Just a question -- how long are middle school football teams allowed to practice... I know a few coaches who practice well over 2.5 hours during the school year..
The rule says
Practice on Official Student School day Practice sessions shall be limited to two hours. The two hour limit on practice sessions on official school days includes all instructional activity on the field, court, mat, or track or in the pool, weight room, or classroom such as team meetings, film reviews, blackboard sessions, warm-up and cool-down exercises, drills or mandatory strength training.
I think you just answered your own question
Yes. I just want to know if that's the written rule, how are some Coaches getting away with a practice that begins 3:45 and ends at 6:30? I am curious why or how this practice is overlooked?
Yes. I just want to know if that's the written rule, how are some Coaches getting away with a practice that begins 3:45 and ends at 6:30? I am curious why or how this practice is overlooked?

Overlooked by whom? You certainly don't think DIAA has folks at practices with timers do you?.. These type of rules require self reporting.. If you want to whistle blow then go to a practice film it time stamped and turn it in to DIAA.. Its a 250 dollar fine good luck with that lol
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Well I think that when folks know the rule-- especially if the HC is the AD -- it should be followed. I am not one to whistle blow -- but I wanted to confirm what I thought was true.. If a kid gets hurt in practices that go over the allotted time - that coach/program is culpable.. It's good info..
Well I think that when folks know the rule-- especially if the HC is the AD -- it should be followed. I am not one to whistle blow -- but I wanted to confirm what I thought was true.. If a kid gets hurt in practices that go over the allotted time - that coach/program is culpable.. It's good info..

Ok then so why the question? You knew the rule as you copy pasted it from the rule book? You obviously had an agenda with this thread,, The rule wasn't about safety but a universal rule about not going over two hours so the kids had ample time to study and do homework... Its a academic rule not a safety rule..Rec leagues have also had the same rule going way back...

But yeah I was always annoyed with the fact after practicing two hours the head coach would go around the horn and every assistant and position coach had to have something to say.. Its silly to keep kids there for that,,, It wasn't like that in my day... The head coach would say good practice or we got stuff to work on or something to that effect and the assistants would address it next practice...
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The question was asked to check the mindset of football folks on this board. I think any rule that's written by DIAA is written to protect kids. When kids are hurt the first person parents look to is the Coach then AD regardless of the intent of a rule if a parent can connect an injury to an overzealous coach, they will..
OMG I just had to tell Mrs Rooster not to expect anything for at least a week.. Just Saying
BRB got coffee coming out my nose....
to early for that ...haaaaaa
I'm with RR. You say you're posting out of a concern that the rules are not being followed and why aren't the coaches being held accountable. Then you say "I am not one to whistle blow". That's weak.
I wanted to know how this board thinks about whether it is honorable to bend, even break rules in the name of improving scholastic football. I am aware of one coach who does this...Maybe it's common and others just overlook it. There is the question as to whether a player who is injured 2 hours and 30 minutes into practice may hold the coach accountable.. This is all based on recent safety issues as it relates to football. If it's not followed or policed what happens if a player is injured..
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Football games last more than two hours. What happens if a player gets hurt after two hours? I don't think you have a case. As far as practice most the time they are standing in line waiting for their next rep. Games are far more taxing and riskier than practice as well as far more injuries occur in games than practice.. just saying but to answer your question most coaches push the 2 hour limit.. I have never seen a post practice speach end with a "go team" right on the two hour mark
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This really must be the off season.

" The two hour limit on practice sessions on official school days includes all instructional activity on the field, court, mat, or track or in the pool, weight room, or classroom such as team meetings, film reviews, blackboard sessions, warm-up and cool-down exercises, drills or mandatory strength training."

The one thing I note is, that water breaks are not included in this time. So since you don't include break time, it would be quite reasonable to have a practice push the 2.5 hour mark.

Having said that, I once watched a lacrosse team get their asses wore out over a three and a half hour period. It was not a school I knew too much about and this lacrosse team was not very good. It was pretty hot for late April and I honestly don't know what the coach was trying to accomplish. If one of my kids would have been on the field ,I would have contacted the coach at an appropriate time and asked him what was going on.
My two cents would be that the time limit seems to be intended to limit practice time so that athletes have a chance to be student athletes more so than because of concern over injury, since that limit applies to official school days. Don't want kids to routinely practice 3 hours after school and then have no time to do home work, etc. If this is "your" team and the schedule bothers you, by all means speak to the coach. If it's not and you want to ruffle some feathers, then report it to the powers that be and let them figure it out. You certainly wouldn't be the first. The season REALLY needs to get here...
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The long short of it is foshizzzlemynizzel if you want the forums opinion it is that you are being a doushe
Football games last more than two hours. What happens if a player gets hurt after two hours? I don't think you have a case. As far as practice most the time they are standing in line waiting for their next rep. Games are far more taxing and riskier than practice as well as far more injuries occur in games than practice.. just saying but to answer your question most coaches push the 2 hour limit.. I have never seen a post practice speach end with a "go team" right on the two hour mark

I want the information not to make a "case" but to hear how informed (or not) this board is regarding overzealous coaches and ADs who allow this to go on. Personally, I hope that scholastic football avoids the pitfalls and problems the NFL is facing because "this guy or that guy is a douche" syndrome - see the film "Concussion". So my hope is that through policing programs better - football remains an attractive sport for kids to play. I think reasonable rules steeped in what's best for kids should be strictly adhered to. So I got what I needed from this question. Again thank you..

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