I am just pointing out a couple of facts and in no way am I defending either side of things..
1. The kids that left for ECA were only brought in through the FLASH Training and for football.. They would not have gone to Red Lion otherwise.. plus they couldn't stay anyway as Red Lions deal with DIAA is they could only be a DIAA member if no kid who received FOCUS aide was on the team..
2. If it was only about 1 or 2 kids ECA would never have been... Sills could sent his kid to any private in PA or MD or even CA and have been done with it.. Its was a true attempt to finish what they started and get as many of those kids to college as they promised.. They did do that to the tune of 20 plus kids
3. Red Lion did not have a football team.. Sills created it and funded it. Sills went to the board to start a team and was told they couldn't afford it. His deal was he would pay for all of it.. Which he and some other parents did.. The football team cost the school zero and also brought in additional students and funds the school would never have had. as well as the facilities Sills built.
4. The influx of kids for football caused the problems.. Their backgrounds (which the school wasn't prepared to handle) and we know those issues so no need to rehash.. What Red Lion lost was kids leaving the school because the parents didn't like the new element and of course kids who play football were being replaced by these new kids..
5. The financial issues were not solely related to the football issues.. yes some were as parent left the school due to not liking the change in demographics of the school . the financial issue were more related to faulty accounting and the 5 million bond taken out before the football team to build the upper school.. Those issues were coming regardless of the Sills football thing..
6. I am not saying Sills and the football guys didn't break rules or not do things the right way.. They certainly did .. Too much too fast.. They underestimated the backlash.. They didn't handle the press correctly and they should have been more selective in who they pushed to be admitted,,, Many mistakes and bad decision made based on winning sooner..
7' What Sills and company did actually happens all over.. Only Red Lion and DE was the wrong place.. Good Counsel, DLS(CA), The Jersey Privates, St Thomas Aquinas, and countless others.. only those are more established schools with deep pockets.. Even then it still causes problems... Calvert Hall in MD is going through it now.. The old guard is not happy with the "new element" in their school