Saturday Scores

Hodgson 50
Newark 20


William Penn 42
Charter. 16

This post was edited on 10/25 12:46 PM by fanoffootball123
Which team do you believe they can pull an upset on Middletown or Concord? If they lose both, they are out. By the way they lost to Hodgson, I don't see them beating either team.

Concord seemed to be flat today. They did not have the same spark that I saw against the top teams. Warning to the Raiders, don't play down to your competitors. A.I looked like they had an opportunity today. You seemed to be looking past them. IMO.

This post was edited on 10/25 5:25 PM by A.I.Pride
Originally posted by A.I.Pride:
Which team do you believe they can pull an upset on Middletown or Concord? If they lose both, they are out. By the way they lost to Hodgson, I don't see them beating either team.

Concord seemed to be flat today. They did not have the same spark that I saw against the top teams. Warning to the Raiders, don't play down to your competitors. A.I looked like they had an opportunity today. You seemed to be looking past them. IMO.

This post was edited on 10/25 5:25 PM by A.I.Pride
Pride-you are correct-it appeared Concord was flat.
I do not see Newark pulling off an upset against either MT or Concord. Newark has only played 2 quality opponents and have been outscored 101 to 35. I consider AI a decent- but not quality opponent and AI could have easily won that game.

If I had to choose what team they could possibly upset??? The Cavs
Unfortunately I don't see Newark beating either Concord or Middletown. Thus probably no playoffs for them.