Saturday week 7 scores

Pretty surprising with Appo putting up good scores the last couple weeks against better teams to be in a close one right now
You have to imagine that if it is laurel and st. E in the final and laurel blows them out it would make sense for laurel to move up after one year because they have not had a close 1A game yet.
I'ts also logistical thing if you move Laurel up. Who are you going to move down from 2A to play the downstate 1A teams (1AD2)? The poorer schools won't want the travel and the only candidates would be Brandywine, AI, McKean, Delcastle? I guarantee you any of those schools will revolt having to travel South for all their away games and will want to continue to play their familiar neighboring schools.

Actually you could move St Andrews over to 1AD2 and put one of those schools in 1AD1

This is the move I would make..

Laurel up to 2AD3
St Andrews over to 1AD2 (vacated by Laurel)
McKean or Bwine down to 1AD1 (vacated by St Andrews)
Caravel over to 2AD1 or 2AD2 (depending who comes down McKean or Bwine)
You have to imagine that if it is laurel and st. E in the final and laurel blows them out it would make sense for laurel to move up after one year because they have not had a close 1A game yet.
Weeeelllll they did lose to Woodbridge but it was 6-0. Laurels biggest problem come from the flags they receive, they get a lot of personal fouls. I mean they played FSMA today and just in the first half they might have had 4 or 5 personal fouls. Crazy
Weeeelllll they did lose to Woodbridge but it was 6-0. Laurels biggest problem come from the flags they receive, they get a lot of personal fouls. I mean they played FSMA today and just in the first half they might have had 4 or 5 personal fouls. Crazy
Shows even more that they should move up because they lost by a single score to a top 3 team. You would imagine that laurel would be at least a top 8 team in D2.
Charter/Tatnall score so I can calculate points?

Also need verification of St. Andrews/St. Elizabeth score. Last I saw @Longagoplayer's at 12:48 that the score was 27-3 for St A.
Well technically Howard has a better record against 3A teams than CR does lol
Howard would be guaranteed a playoff berth if they moved up into 3A ;)

But in all seriousness, Howard would win at least 3 and maybe even 4 or 5 games if they were in 3A this year. They would be far from the worst team in 3A.
Howard would be guaranteed a playoff berth if they moved up into 3A ;)

But in all seriousness, Howard would win at least 3 and maybe even 4 or 5 games if they were in 3A this year. They would be far from the worst team in 3A.
Honestly after watching some of the D2 teams play I bet Archmere, DMA and Woodbridge would all be in the top half of D3
Now, can we understand why Howard resisted going to AAA?
… and, yes, Delcastle belong in A.

No actually.. The set up isn't intended for you to lobby up and down each year based on players you lost or how good you think you may or may not be. Howard being down this year and losing some games has nothing to do with the formula for placement and where Howard ranked, which was 9th... Howard beat HVT so I guess HVT should have lobbied to go to 2A as well?.. Howard would be a top 8 or 9 team in 3A and better than CR, HVT and Cape. Should all those move down too? Should we just make 3A 4 or 5 teams that have a legit shot to win it each year?

The point is... if this is what we are doing, moving teams in class based on recent history and quality of the program then you are what the formula says you are. If teams are going to lobby every go round to be placed wherever because of players they lost to grad or transfers etc.. it will never work

You are what the formula says you are. Howard was 9th and with that they are 3A. There should be no conversation. want to go down then be the worse team in the class...pretty simple really
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