Sean Carroll


Tackles too high
Nov 18, 2016
Had the chance to watch mount play this year a lot and one player stood out to me a lot. Sean Carroll. I found out his end of season stats were 93 tackles 10 picks 4 sacks and 2 defensive touchdowns. 93 tackles in a 10 games season since mount didn't make playoffs is absolutely unreal. And this poor child got 2nd team all conference and was not even mentioned for all state? Absolutely ridiculous. It just shows how political this mess is. Josh Patrick made 1st team and had half of the stats that sean did. Just because his team wasn't good he was not even looked at. Unreal. Kid poured his heart and was robbed.
Did you forget that Patrick had close to 1000 yards rushing also. Its the body of work thing.
Did you forget that Patrick had close to 1000 yards rushing also. Its the body of work thing.

I don't see what his offensive stats have to do with him being selected for defense. That's a Sallies benefit when they couldn't give Reeder OPOY last year because of Knight so they gave him DPOY even though his defensive stats were nothing to write home about.
I don't see what his offensive stats have to do with him being selected for defense. That's a Sallies benefit when they couldn't give Reeder OPOY last year because of Knight so they gave him DPOY even though his defensive stats were nothing to write home about.
My point exactly. Patrick got all state for DEFENSE
My point exactly. Patrick got all state for DEFENSE
There are some who have just as impressive or better stats who got overlooked because of the way these selections are done. There are some built in biases toward some schools (IE: Sallies, St, Georges etc) but because of the horse trading and politics that goes on with these picks, some who deserve honors are left on the outside wondering why. It is wrong that it happens this way but change is slow. If there are college aspirations, then the film does not lie and that is all college coaches need because they are acutely aware that this nonsense goes on in Delaware.
I don't see what his offensive stats have to do with him being selected for defense. That's a Sallies benefit when they couldn't give Reeder OPOY last year because of Knight so they gave him DPOY even though his defensive stats were nothing to write home about.
I questioned that last year too. Reeder was an athlete, but I didn't think 56 tackles and an interception gets you unanimously voted as DPOY. If you look at the stats of the other All-State players last year, most did better than that and they played the same teams as Sallies. Both of the DPOY this year were better then that, but in all honesty in comparison to each other, their stats and strength of schedule aren't even close to each other. Yet, they share the award. I question that too.

I said it in a post yesterday that Delaware coaches and DIFCA gives out a lot of accolades to the final 4 championship teams AND Salesianum and definitely plays favorites. Someone mentioned Friends in another post. If Friends would have pulled out that game and won, we would have saw a different outcome for All-State selections and even POY. Not because they were better, but because they have to give them something. That's my it crazy, but I've been in Delaware since 1990 and have seen it always happen.
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Its a shame, but If Friends had won, it would not have changed the picks. The ballots and voting are done in November and the playoffs don't come into play. That is why Friends hardly ever gets picks as most coaches in the State disrespect them because they are in the "SPL" even though some great athletes do come out of there every now and then (ie: Justin Perillo from Tatnall). Friends was into the Semi Finals in 14 and 15 and Finals this year, so there must at least a little talent there. (other than a couple of token 3rd team selections this year).
Could be conspiracy theory, but I've always questioned how the ballots are turned in a week after All-Conference selections, but the results are not put out until the week after the championship game. Coaches didn't even know the results till about 5-6 last night. I just question who are the people behind the curtain and their integrity on the votes.

I spoke to a coach a while back and he shared with me about how All-Conference voting is done. He was in Flight A and he said that everyone would nominate and vote, but you can't vote for your own player. In that meeting, those votes went to Delpercio and he counted them by himself behind a little barrier he created. The coach shares that because the night is so long, no one ever questions him on the validity of the vote even when they probably should or want to. As we all know from past situations, Delpercio isn't the most honest person. I'm sure if this happens at the Conference level, the same happens at the state voting level, even a little more political.
I've heard that if your head coach isn't a regular at the DiFCA meetings your chances of getting that selection is slim. So depending on who the head coach is may mean something.
All-State Selection Process
Dues- must be paid before Conference selection meeting or All-State selections will not be counted.
It is imperative that the head coach submits a complete ballot; the ballot is to represent the feelings of the entire staff.
Players will be selected by the highest number of total points by position. In the event of a tie, the 1st tiebreaker will be number of 1st place votes. If it is still a tie, then it goes to second place votes and then 3rd place votes.
Auditor: The ballots are to be sent by any of the following means to Joe Hemphil:
Mail: 7 Hofsta Court, Wilmington, Delaware 19808
Ballots are due Wednesday, November 26, 2014
All-State Selection Meeting @ Middletown HS beginning on the first Thursday after Championship Weekend (Board members and media only)
Information will be presented to Delaware Online by 8:00 pm on day of selection.

Basically each Coach is sent an empty ballot with the positions listed and space to write in 1st,2nd and 3rd choice.. I dont know what percentage of coaches actually bother to send one in or not.. I know they arent going to scour through hours of film on every kid in the state nor do they have stats other than what is on Maxpreps if they choose to look there but only 10-12 teams even post stats there and those arent official.. There are no official stats or any stats sent in to the coaches, DIAA or DIFCA

I am sure there is some horse trading write in mine ill write in yours type of stuff, and they write in the names they know from playing the teams or the names they know from media or offers and what not...but no way are they going to scour hours of film and hunt down stats beside half of them probably think the stats on Maxpreps are cooked anyway. They probably use the all conferense lists to fill in the spaces they dont know.

Opoy and DPoy is chosen by the Board and Media in the Thursday meeting..

I am sure many coaches find trying to come up with three names for each position a hassle

Not saying its a great system certainly has flawes as every single all state selection system in every state has.. The alternative is let the sports media select it like many states do.. well DE probably only has a handful or two of them..There would be many free steak dinners for those guys lol
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I don't see what his offensive stats have to do with him being selected for defense. That's a Sallies benefit when they couldn't give Reeder OPOY last year because of Knight so they gave him DPOY even though his defensive stats were nothing to write home about.

Where did you get Sallies stats to know? They dont post them. Tackle stats are skewed anyway.. for example a team may have a great LB on a very good D well they go three and out a lot and arent on the field much.. another team may have good LB but on a bad team and they cant get off the field so that LB has more opportunities to make tackles.. Some score keepers are generous with the assists so they rack up more tackles.( there was a St M scorekeeper who was famous for this) Many teams ran away and threw away from Reeder so that limited his oppertunies..

Point being even college coaches dont look at how many tackles they look at how well a LB gets off blocks, reads, drops into coverage, athleticism, and measurables... they look at game film not highlights.. anyone can make a 10-15 play HL film of not being blocked and making a play in the back field Thats easy to do.. They want to see what you do when you dont make the play
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Where did you get Sallies stats to know? They dont post them. Tackle stats are skewed anyway.. for example a team may have a great LB on a very good D well they go three and out a lot and arent on the field much.. another team may have good LB but on a bad team and they cant get off the field so that LB has more opportunities to make tackles.. Some score keepers are generous with the assists so they rack up more tackles.( there was a St M scorekeeper who was famous for this) Many teams ran away and threw away from Reeder so that limited his oppertunies..

Point being even college coaches dont look at how many tackles they look at how well a LB gets off blocks, reads, drops into coverage, athleticism, and measurables... they look at game film not highlights.. anyone can make a 10-15 HL film of not being blocked and making a play in the back field Thats easy to do.. They want to see what you do when you dont make the play

The stats I mentioned if I recall are what the other guy said- 50-some tackles and one interception. I believe those were provided by the news journal.
News Journal- "Reeder also made 56 tackles and often changed opposing game plans from his safety spot. He was an easy choice as Delaware’s Defensive Player of the Year in voting by the Delaware Interscholastic Football Coaches Association board and the state’s high school football media"

<5 tackles per game. That's big time production. No wonder he was an easy choice as DPOY
News Journal- "Reeder also made 56 tackles and often changed opposing game plans from his safety spot. He was an easy choice as Delaware’s Defensive Player of the Year in voting by the Delaware Interscholastic Football Coaches Association board and the state’s high school football media"

<5 tackles per game. That's big time production. No wonder he was an easy choice as DPOY
56 tackles for a Safety or OLB is a big number..particularly when teams are audibling away from you..Throw in his picks and defensive TD's its a legit choice, I get the board and media probably was torn between Knight and Reeder for OPOY and they wanted to honor Reeder as well but Reeder had enough chops on D the get the nod IMO and he was offered as a D player not O
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Conspiracy theories are running rampant in this country.. everyone hates us, its because of this or that we weren't chosen or didn't win. pointing fingers at everyone and anything but the mirror, its an epidemic.. Not only in DE HS sports but everywhere across the country in everything.. No one trusts anyone anymore ,everyone has an agenda.. Folks this is not good,, People are genuinely good and want to do the right thing, Yeah there are those scoundrels who are bad and only out for themselves but they are a minority... Its time to get back to trusting the human spirit.. punish those who do bad but damn give the good ones the benefit of the doubt until they prove otherwise
FYI, the media has little to no effect on the voting process. This is all coach driven.

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