St' Marks vs Sallies -Friday - Concord vs Wp Saturday


Tackles too high
Nov 4, 2013
Two big games this week. Both games are 7:30pm Starts. Wp 1st ever Night game at Home. Your thoughts on the out come of these games. Both could be games in play-off point pictures......
Going to try and make one of these.

I don't have my playoff point totals in front of me, but if my memory serves me right, the loser between st. Marks and sallies could be missing the playoffs. So huge game in that regard.

As for William penn and concord, because of Concorde strength of schedule, I don't think a loss impacts them as much as the two mentioned above, but it be a factor. Playoff points by penn, Middletown, sallies and Newark will help concord, that is if they win out, no matter what the outcome of this game.

I've seen 3-4 teams play mentioned, I certainly think concord can pull the upset, but crowd could play a factor. Sallies didn't impress me against penn, but that was weeks ago. St. Marks QB is back and could be a key piece in the outcome.

Anyone willing to try and convince me what one to go to? Tough decision.
Originally posted by HSftballlaxFan:

Anyone willing to try and convince me what one to go to? Tough decision.

Chesdel is dressing a little better but he is more annoying than ever. You should go to William Penn.
Hes dressing better now?

to be honest I haven't hung out with the clones since we all met up down in slower lower in the Sallies-Sussex Central Semi game.

The game made famous by rock throwers?

A reunion perhaps?

Salesianum-St. Marks might be the place to be anyway.
Originally posted by BlueTea:

Originally posted by HSftballlaxFan:

Anyone willing to try and convince me what one to go to? Tough decision.

Chesdel is dressing a little better but he is more annoying than ever. You should go to William Penn.

HS, BT continues his fixation with my wardrobe.

If you do sit with us be sure to congratulate BT. He recently was able to infiltrate the Saudi Oil Ministry (ref picture below) and convince them to lower their oil prices.
(Be sure to take notes Friday night when he explains the impact of these lower prices on the political stability of Russia and Venezuela.)