Congrats ALL SC Golden Knights..."A Job WELLS Done!" First State Title and the HN Conference Eleventh.
I truly believe we are very fortunate to have such a great Coaching Fraternity throughout Delaware.
My favorite Coach Wells moment:
While they were playing for MT/BDN to prep for the legendary three a days we would do the Blue Chip FB Camp and the camp I thought you got your best bang for your buck with one on one instructions on all the positions, the DELMARVA FB Camp. At the time it was the oldest FB Camp in DE if not the entire tri-state area.
I would drive four aspiring HS FB players to the DELMARVA FB Camp drop three off, my youngest was only 7 so we would shoot over to the beach and work on our tans, I worked nights so I would catnap, go get some boardwalk fries and head back to camp. We would walk thru the weight room and catch the last session of camp.
This one day the boys were finishing up with the bench doing the 225 lift, prior to last session. The weight room cleared out, Coach Wells nest in and rep 225, 10x, racked it waited a minute, rep 10x, racked it waited a minute, rep 10x, racked it and headed for the field on a mission.
My youngest wanted to know if he still played? I told him those that can do, those that can't teach. Every now and then you will see a Coach that can-do-teach. If you have one, support them and take care of them,
you will learn a lot.
All 4 aspiring HS FB players became 1st Team All-State, College student/athletes, College Coaches/High School Coaches, Community Leaders, Good Citizens, three have married and are good husbands/fathers.
If you ask any of the four to describe Coach Wells, they will tell you smart, strong, stern but fair.
I am glad they had the time and opportunity with Coach John Wells.