Thursday Scores?

At Charter vs A.I. 14-0 A.I..Almost 4th quarter raining pretty hard and as I was leaving They are still charging people to get in game.
I stopped by at AI and Charter . Couldn't believe they were charging people to get in the game in the 4th quarter .
St George's looks like the DI team and CR looks DII

CR looks really young and undersized

ST G and HVT are D1 teams in terms of numbers and participation... both are in the top 10 in the number of football players in the program in D1.. Both have 80 plus.. They blow away every other D2 team in terms of numbers.. They also are right on the line in terms of enrollment and only stay D1 because certain kids don't count towards the enrollment numbers..

ST G has 39 Freshman in the program... Thats the whole participation for most D2 schools...
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Lake final was 9-7. Game really should've been rescheduled. Like a damn monsoon out there.