Advance Wrestling Academy Fall Clinic Series

May 16, 2014
Registration is open for the Advance Wrestling Academy Fall Clinic Series. Click on the link for the website and follow the registration. We will have many great clinicians this year including 3x All American "Ethan the backpack Lizak", Olympic Champion Brandon Slay, and 2x All American Dan Vallimont. Other clinicians MAY POSSIBLY include 2X National Champion Matt Valenti and 3x All American Joey McKenna. As many of you may or may not know Joey McKenna recently joined The Pennsylvania Regional Training Center.

Chase Pami (Assistant Coach at UPenn) will continue to run the majority of Advance Wrestling Academy practices and help your athletes be prepared for the wrestling season. It is my goal that they will come into your practice with an athletic, technical, and physical base for the season. As always coaches you are welcome to join any of the practices as long as you have an athlete signed up.

Please feel free to reach out if you have any questions.

C/ (702) 301-9132