
I have initiated an investigation with Yahoo, which is Rival's parent company. I explained how we are all being held hostage by this azzclown (didn't use that language) and that they need to look at it to appreciate the gravity of the situation. I have been assigned an "incident" number and will keep everyone posted. If as many as possible file official complaints, something may be done. Go to the following link and relay details of this nonsense and submit. I hope the link works.
I have initiated an investigation with Yahoo, which is Rival's parent company. I explained how we are all being held hostage by this azzclown (didn't use that language) and that they need to look at it to appreciate the gravity of the situation. I have been assigned an "incident" number and will keep everyone posted. If as many as possible file official complaints, something may be done. Go to the following link and relay details of this nonsense and submit. I hope the link works.
I have initiated an investigation with Yahoo, which is Rival's parent company. I explained how we are all being held hostage by this azzclown (didn't use that language) and that they need to look at it to appreciate the gravity of the situation. I have been assigned an "incident" number and will keep everyone posted. If as many as possible file official complaints, something may be done. Go to the following link and relay details of this nonsense and submit. I hope the link works.
I have initiated an investigation with Yahoo, which is Rival's parent company. I explained how we are all being held hostage by this azzclown (didn't use that language) and that they need to look at it to appreciate the gravity of the situation. I have been assigned an "incident" number and will keep everyone posted. If as many as possible file official complaints, something may be done. Go to the following link and relay details of this nonsense and submit. I hope the link works.
Even if your intentions are noble, your methods SUCK. Dial it down, make legitimate points, and some of us might support your arguments.
I have initiated an investigation with Yahoo, which is Rival's parent company. I explained how we are all being held hostage by this azzclown (didn't use that language) and that they need to look at it to appreciate the gravity of the situation. I have been assigned an "incident" number and will keep everyone posted. If as many as possible file official complaints, something may be done. Go to the following link and relay details of this nonsense and submit. I hope the link works.
Even if your intentions are noble, your methods SUCK. Dial it down, make legitimate points, and some of us might support your arguments.

SIÞEN þe sege and þe assaut watz sesed at Troye,
þe bor3 brittened and brent to bronde3 and askez,
þe tulk þat þe trammes of tresoun þer wro3t
Watz tried for his tricherie, þe trewest on erþe:
Hit watz Ennias þe athel, and his highe kynde,
þat siþen depreced prouinces, and patrounes bicome
Welne3e of al þe wele in þe west iles.
Fro riche Romulus to Rome ricchis hym swyþe,
With gret bobbaunce þat bur3e he biges vpon fyrst,
And neuenes hit his aune nome, as hit now hat;
Ticius to Tuskan and teldes bigynnes,
Langaberde in Lumbardie lyftes vp homes,
And fer ouer þe French flod Felix Brutus
On mony bonkkes ful brode Bretayn he settez wyth wynne,
Where werre and wrake and wonder
Bi syþez hatz wont þerinne,
And oft boþe blysse and blunder
Ful skete hatz skyfted synne.
Look, obviously you are no dummy (although you misspelled Twilio!). Everyone on this board is not a yahoo. What you are doing to this board is wrong on several levels. I'm at work dealing with you when I could be home with my family. Full disclosure: Tomorrow, I will ask everyone who cares about this forum to copy and paste my repeating message every time you post. You will not be the last poster. That is your way of getting folks to not even respond because they know it's you.
Listen, I don't give a flying fig about Gawain or the Green Knight. It's not cute. I have a PhD, and an IQ in the top 1% (Mensa & Intertel). Do we really need to go through a brain measuring contest? STOP COMMANDEERING THE BOARD. Simple
I said I'm at work. Don't read the wrong thing into it. Plus, you can use your intellect in a job. Being intelligent doesn't mean not working for someone else. What world are you in? Oh, that's right... a fantasy one!
Your the one breaking TOS spamming links
I have submitted a cry for help to the proper authorities. I won't be held accountable for spamming. I'm on a free roll. Hell, I might even earn an accommodation. That's a BADGE of some type in your universe.
I have initiated an investigation with Yahoo, which is Rival's parent company. I explained how we are all being held hostage by this azzclown (didn't use that language) and that they need to look at it to appreciate the gravity of the situation. I have been assigned an "incident" number and will keep everyone posted. If as many as possible file official complaints, something may be done. Go to the following link and relay details of this nonsense and submit. I hope the link works.
I have initiated an investigation with Yahoo, which is Rival's parent company. I explained how we are all being held hostage by this azzclown (didn't use that language) and that they need to look at it to appreciate the gravity of the situation. I have been assigned an "incident" number and will keep everyone posted. If as many as possible file official complaints, something may be done. Go to the following link and relay details of this nonsense and submit. I hope the link works.

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