** This is just an exercise for discussion, not based on current rules***
Just because for the hell of it, I am looking at the effect if they had gone to a uniform point system for this year instead of D1 and D2 points just because the effect of the point differences is stronger when dividing by 6 or 7 games instead of 10
For D1 the only change would be CR could lose to Smyrna but still have a chance to get in over HVT. With both at 5-2 it would go to bp's
CR bp's Smyrna 2 Central 1
HVT bp's MT 2 and 1 if St G beats Sals
If St G beats Sals then it would go to a tie breaker opponent wins and HVT would edge that one out..
Synopsis I like this better.. CR should not be penalized for taking one for the team so Sals could schedule some Hen North teams besides it's not like they played Delcastle, Delmar is a legitimate opponent..