All this being said and debated about fairness and rules and what not. Any objective person who follows DELHS football looking at the WB v DM situation would come to the conclusion that Woodbridge is clearly the better team and should be the one to get in. I think that much is obvious and needs to be said..
What is your evidence that Woodbridge is clearly the better team @BackinBlack86?

Is it that Delmar scored 21 points on Seaford in the first quarter and then took out their starters while Woodbridge didn't score at all in the first quarter vs Seaford and then Woodbridge kept their starters in almost all game and ran up the score?

Or is it the IR game where Delmar after not playing or practicing for two weeks beat IR 21-0 and kept IR from even threating to score while IR scored 3 points on Woodbridge?

Bottom line is Woodbridge didn't play a good team all year, so it's impossible to say if they are good or just good at running up the score on bad teams. I'm not saying they're not good, but denying Delmar the chance to prove themselves on the field is not equitable to use the DIAA word.

People thought Woodbridge was better than Delmar last year too, until Delmar beat Woodbridge when they played.
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What is your evidence that Woodbridge is clearly the better team @BackinBlack86? People thought that last year too, until Delmar beat Woodbridge when they played.

umm every poll and rankings system out there human and computer for starters. What happened last year or any other year doesn’t matter. Sure upsets happen. You have to draw the line somewhere otherwise just put everyone in.
We already had this discussion about computer ratings @BackinBlack86.

Bottom line is Woodbridge didn't play a good team all year, so it's impossible to say if they are good or just good at running up the score on bad teams.

Let's compare Delmar's and Woodbridge's common games in a way no computer can.

Delmar scored 21 points on Seaford in the first quarter and then took out their starters while Woodbridge didn't score at all in the first quarter vs Seaford and then Woodbridge kept their starters in almost all game and ran up the score to win 49-0.

Delmar beat IR 21-0 after not playing or practicing for two weeks and kept IR from even threating to score while IR scored 3 points on Woodbridge and Woodbridge only won 36-3 after having two full weeks of practice before the game.

I'm not saying Woodbridge isn't good, but denying Delmar the chance to prove themselves on the field because Woodbridge had to cancel their game with Delmar is not equitable to use the DIAA word.
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After thinking about this. The rules are clear. You have to play 5 games. So, Delmar is out and any team that played Delmar, there win does not count. These guys voting have an interest. You can’t change rules after the fact.
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After thinking about this. The rules are clear. You have to play 5 games. So, Delmar is out and any team that played Delmar, there win does not count. These guys voting have an interest. You can’t change rules after the fact.
Then any team who canceled a game that kept another team from being able to play 5 games should be out too. That eliminates Woodbridge.
Then Woodbridge is out. I just don’t think you can change rules as you go along. Henny South should have had a conference winner. Now they are leaving it up to a committee.
Hard to win opponent wins when you only got to play four games and everybody else got at least five. If you index it Red Lion would the 1st with 3.17, Delmar would be 2nd with 2.75, and Woodridge would be last with 2.6.

I am surprised this did get on the table and you got your vote. Unfortunately it failed 13-2.. but it's a good argument IF your changing the rules for equity due to covid

If they are going to open it up and vote to changing the minimum game requirement then they should have approved indexing the OPWINS and LOSSES for the same reasons they approved dropping the minimum game requirements, Like I said, I didn't think it would make it on the table but since it did they should have went all the way and approved that also.. Wonder if it was a concerted effort to put WB in since most probably thought they deserved it more or something to that effect..

Point is I don't see how you approve one and not the other as they go hand in hand as to the reasons to do it. For it to fail 13-2 is mind boggling...

At the end of the day it is my opinion they should have just not changed anything from the rules that were agreed on and posted and rolled with that.
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I am surprised this did get on the table and you got your vote. Unfortunately it failed 13-2.. HVT has the stronger argument for this than Delmar IMO.. If they indexed the OPWINS HVT would have got the 3rd seed and St G 4th as well as having played St G and beat them.. Delmars argument is a little weaker being them and WB did not play but it's a good argument IF your changing the rules for equity due to covid

If they are going to open it up and vote to changing the minimum game requirement then they should have approved indexing the OPWINS and LOSSES for the same reasons they approved dropping the minimum game requirements, Like I said, I didn't think it would make it on the table but since it did they should have went all the way and approved that also.. Wonder if it was a concerted effort to put WB in since most probably thought they deserved it more or something to that effect..

Point is I don't see how you approve one and not the other as they got hand in hand as to the reasons to do it. For it to fail 13-2 is mind boggling...

My personal opinion is HVT got screwed but that is just my opinion taking all the math out of it...

At the end of the day it is my opinion they should have just not changed anything from the rules that were agreed on and posted and rolled with that.
It's obvious to any unbiased observer that Delmar got punished for not being able to play more than 4 games. If Delmar had been able to play Laurel and won, they would have gotten in over Woodbridge due to oppo wins tiebreaker. If Delmar had played Lake and won, they would have gotten over Woodbridge due to the oppo loses tiebreaker. And of course if they had played Woodbridge and won, there would be no argument.

It is just a matter of fact that Woodbridge got in over Delmar due to Covid cancellations.

All those arguing the result was the best that could be expected are just expressing their unstated bias that Woodbridge deserved to get in over Delmar. It proves the old adage that "Behind every apparent double is an unconfessed single standard".
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I am not sure punished is the right word. It was unfortunate that it happened when it did and they were not able to reschedule. I just have a problem with changing rules after the fact. They should have stuck with the 5 game schedule that they voted on at the beginning. That way everyone is playing by the same rules.
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I am not sure punished is the right word. It was unfortunate that it happened when it did and they were not able to reschedule. I just have a problem with changing rules after the fact. They should have stuck with the 5 game schedule that they voted on at the beginning. That way everyone is playing by the same rules.
Penalized then. The facts are the same either way.