Any word on location for championships?

Shine bright like a diamond

moving up to Varsity
Dec 15, 2012
I know the AB was mentioned. I wonder if the Salesian powers have a memory. Can’t say that I don’t appreciate a big FU if that’s the case. And maybe it is not Sallies decision to make.
Full disclosure: Due the the spinning circle, I ended up throwing my laptop. Not the most mature thing to do. But to help with the stream this weekend. I went to BestBuy for the new laptop.
I don’t know. Lol. I don’t have a kid playing so don’t know where my ticket is coming from if so
They dont like to splt the games but I would have done Dover for D2 and The Rock for D1 - they could have sold 1K tickets for D1 th stadium can handle it with the distancing and people could have attended.
I like the Dover location for D1 & The Rock for D2 under these circumstances. I understand the DIAA desire for a single facility.

With the Howard and Archmere playing in Dover, what if both teams are subject to Bummy’s bus ride curse?
I can’t stand the single facility. I prefer it go back to One game one night and the other the next night.
Never been a fan of day games.

Don't totally disagree. I meant that with the COVID crap I understand the theory behind the "doubleheader." If you want to see both games that makes for an incredibly long day.
Archmere getting nightmares about going back down to Dover for a football championship. 10 years ago they got a running clock posted on them in the Championship by StE in 2010. Redemption time, maybe.
Hopefully they'll have programs available for sale at the game (though I don't have a lot of faith in that). Maybe available by mail order afterward?

There's definitely some bartering going on among parents trying to figure out how to get siblings of players into the championship game (with the parents also going).
Sad there couldn’t have been an effort to allow for more folks into the games. My sense is that you could easily socially distance and fit in like 750 in Dover stadium.
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Sad there couldn’t have been an effort to allow for more folks into the games. My sense is that you could easily socially distance and fit in like 750 in Dover stadium.
True. I don't know what Dover's approved plan with Public Health allows for. We know Abessinio is grandfathered in for about 1100. Whether DIAA or Dover HS would permit selling more than 2 tickets per rostered athlete is anyone's guess.