Appo 2 Dover 1

I had a feeling Appo was better than they were showing earlier in the season. They seem to have righted the ship. The big question, is it too late?
They still have St. Mark's, AI DuPont and Caravel to play. Could lose all 3 of them and still make playoffs, but would have to win out against the rest of the teams they play. 9-9 is a stretch with their current record of 4-6.
And on the conference side, Appo already has 3 losses. If they win the rest of their conference games, that would mean at least 2 conference losses each for AI and Charter, so Appo would need even more help for both of those teams to pick up a 3rd conference loss. Tough year.

This post was edited on 4/24 9:41 AM by TouchThemAll
Delpsufan- Appo has Christiana friday and in addition to St Marks, A.I and Caravel, would have to win out against Penn, Charter, Concord & Mt P. All decent enough teams. Thats a tough hall to go 5-3 on. But, i have seen Dover a couple of times and despite this loss to Appo, Dover is one of the top 3 teams in the state in my opinion. So for Appo to be able not only to hang with Dover, but beat them, makes me think Appo SHOULD be able to go 5-3 against these teams. But will 9-9 be enough at the end of the year???