It's the UDelaware clown that has a kid holding tackling dummies. And thanks for pointing out the ridiculousness of the Sallies/ND comparison.
And to the rest of you used up old Joes that want to teach the younger generation how to compete- spare them please. It's very easy to hold someone else, especially someone 30 years younger than you, to your imaginary standards and criticize them for not being man enough to compete. If all of you were competitive monsters you wouldn't be working at trailer parks or whatever it is most you do, you would have an important job and during the day would be busy doing said job, not posting on DEPreps. Maybe this Argoe kid was self aware enough to know he wasn't as good as the other kid and realized he had 1 senior year and wanted to play so he went elsewhere. Maybe he felt like he worked really hard for a long time for his coaches and perceived the ECA QBs recruitment by the coaches as a betrayal and wanted to leave. I don't blame him for going to a school where he could play and enjoy his senior year. If any of you had a kid in a similar position, which is comical because I'm sure all the major posters on here had/have kids that ain't worth a dog shit, I would bet you wouldn't be so judgemental. So please, drop it. I'm sure he's at that elkton school competing and playing hard so you extremely hard working, competitive professional DEPreps posters who want to criticize him can rest easy tonight knowing that.