Argoe and karma

Because those 2nd and 3rd strings guys that scrimmage the starters every week have nothing to do with those guys winning on game day right? You guys are awesome!

nobody sayin that but there are 22 starting spots max-Sals have 160 + kids in their FB program. Many of them do not even scrimmage!
Because those 2nd and 3rd strings guys that scrimmage the starters every week have nothing to do with those guys winning on game day right?
Because those 2nd and 3rd strings guys that scrimmage the starters every week have nothing to do with those guys winning on game day right? You guys are awesome!

They do and that's why they get the ring. My point isn't that there not valuable my point is that this is the last chance for many kids to play football be self aware and compete at the right leve. PLAY and have fun.

RR - education to me is a given if some one is moving there kids to a lesser school for sports there being a dumb ass. That being said STM, Sallies, Caravel, Appo, Mtown, etc all are all great schools.
Because those 2nd and 3rd strings guys that scrimmage the starters every week have nothing to do with those guys winning on game day right? You guys are awesome!

And BTW my kids a starter so save your breath if anyone wants to chirp in that "his kid must be a 3rd stringer"
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Rudy busted his ass and played 2 plays could of went to Kutztown and started. Had fun actually playing. My point is be self aware and compete at the right level and have fun
But he woudn't have a Notre Dame degree either.. somehow I think a degree from ND is somewhat more valuablle than one from Kutztown
Rudy busted his ass and played 2 plays could of went to Kutztown and started. Had fun actually playing. My point is be self aware and compete at the right level and have fun
The "I couldn't start so I quit" would have been a much better story line and message and would have been a way better movie.
First for the record I like Sallies and my sons may go there. My point hasn't been to pick on Sallies.

My point was to question the parents that send thier kids there because "sallies" wins instead of sending them somewhere they will play. If you don't think that happens your kidding yourself.

I personally know of two instances, one football and one soccer, were the Dad sent his kid to Sallies because it was the better program compared to St Marks and STE. One didn't make the team and the other hasn't even sniffed the field. Both would have started and had more fun playing at the other school. Both are good players and would have preferred playing then watching others win.

Finally lets stop comparing Sallies to Notre Dame via Rudy. The only similarities are the gold helmet and Catholic aspect. It doesn't give you a better shot at ND it's not a pipeline recruiting school etc. Eagle JV if your son is holding a tackling dummy at Sallies I hate to be the bearer of bad news but no one is making a movie about him when he gets his 3 plays in mop up duty against an inferior in state team with 28 players.
First for the record I like Sallies and my sons may go there. My point hasn't been to pick on Sallies.

My point was to question the parents that send thier kids there because "sallies" wins instead of sending them somewhere they will play. If you don't think that happens your kidding yourself.

I personally know of two instances, one football and one soccer, were the Dad sent his kid to Sallies because it was the better program compared to St Marks and STE. One didn't make the team and the other hasn't even sniffed the field. Both would have started and had more fun playing at the other school. Both are good players and would have preferred playing then watching others win.

Finally lets stop comparing Sallies to Notre Dame via Rudy. The only similarities are the gold helmet and Catholic aspect. It doesn't give you a better shot at ND it's not a pipeline recruiting school etc. Eagle JV if your son is holding a tackling dummy at Sallies I hate to be the bearer of bad news but no one is making a movie about him when he gets his 3 plays in mop up duty against an inferior in state team with 28 players.

It's the UDelaware clown that has a kid holding tackling dummies. And thanks for pointing out the ridiculousness of the Sallies/ND comparison.

And to the rest of you used up old Joes that want to teach the younger generation how to compete- spare them please. It's very easy to hold someone else, especially someone 30 years younger than you, to your imaginary standards and criticize them for not being man enough to compete. If all of you were competitive monsters you wouldn't be working at trailer parks or whatever it is most you do, you would have an important job and during the day would be busy doing said job, not posting on DEPreps. Maybe this Argoe kid was self aware enough to know he wasn't as good as the other kid and realized he had 1 senior year and wanted to play so he went elsewhere. Maybe he felt like he worked really hard for a long time for his coaches and perceived the ECA QBs recruitment by the coaches as a betrayal and wanted to leave. I don't blame him for going to a school where he could play and enjoy his senior year. If any of you had a kid in a similar position, which is comical because I'm sure all the major posters on here had/have kids that ain't worth a dog shit, I would bet you wouldn't be so judgemental. So please, drop it. I'm sure he's at that elkton school competing and playing hard so you extremely hard working, competitive professional DEPreps posters who want to criticize him can rest easy tonight knowing that.

It's the UDelaware clown that has a kid holding tackling dummies. And thanks for pointing out the ridiculousness of the Sallies/ND comparison.

And to the rest of you used up old Joes that want to teach the younger generation how to compete- spare them please. It's very easy to hold someone else, especially someone 30 years younger than you, to your imaginary standards and criticize them for not being man enough to compete. If all of you were competitive monsters you wouldn't be working at trailer parks or whatever it is most you do, you would have an important job and during the day would be busy doing said job, not posting on DEPreps. Maybe this Argoe kid was self aware enough to know he wasn't as good as the other kid and realized he had 1 senior year and wanted to play so he went elsewhere. Maybe he felt like he worked really hard for a long time for his coaches and perceived the ECA QBs recruitment by the coaches as a betrayal and wanted to leave. I don't blame him for going to a school where he could play and enjoy his senior year. If any of you had a kid in a similar position, which is comical because I'm sure all the major posters on here had/have kids that ain't worth a dog shit, I would bet you wouldn't be so judgemental. So please, drop it. I'm sure he's at that elkton school competing and playing hard so you extremely hard working, competitive professional DEPreps posters who want to criticize him can rest easy tonight knowing that.


Yawn, itch itch
It's the UDelaware clown that has a kid holding tackling dummies. And thanks for pointing out the ridiculousness of the Sallies/ND comparison.

And to the rest of you used up old Joes that want to teach the younger generation how to compete- spare them please. It's very easy to hold someone else, especially someone 30 years younger than you, to your imaginary standards and criticize them for not being man enough to compete. If all of you were competitive monsters you wouldn't be working at trailer parks or whatever it is most you do, you would have an important job and during the day would be busy doing said job, not posting on DEPreps. Maybe this Argoe kid was self aware enough to know he wasn't as good as the other kid and realized he had 1 senior year and wanted to play so he went elsewhere. Maybe he felt like he worked really hard for a long time for his coaches and perceived the ECA QBs recruitment by the coaches as a betrayal and wanted to leave. I don't blame him for going to a school where he could play and enjoy his senior year. If any of you had a kid in a similar position, which is comical because I'm sure all the major posters on here had/have kids that ain't worth a dog shit, I would bet you wouldn't be so judgemental. So please, drop it. I'm sure he's at that elkton school competing and playing hard so you extremely hard working, competitive professional DEPreps posters who want to criticize him can rest easy tonight knowing that.

Hey I work at Lou Turks cleaning the runway. Doesn't get more important then that!

In a side note your boys looked damn good last week.
Alex is home from the hospital after surgery and in good spirits. The team came to visit him at his home and presented him a signed ball.. Focusing on getting back for baseball .. get well soon kid
Alex is home from the hospital after surgery and in good spirits. The team came to visit him at his home and presented him a signed ball.. Focusing on getting back for baseball .. get well soon kid

That's a great update, good to hear he's home and on the mend.
Valid points. Hey I have two football players and I recognize some kids are just better so in this case I might have moved my kid too. Trust me I get it unfortunately many parents don't.

My kids will not play college football like %99 of others on this board it's just about having fun. So if football was that important to the kid and it is his senior year and Barker is just better then transfer and play ball. Nothing wrong with that.

That's one thing that kills me with Sallies right now a ton of kids go there and will never play but talk about thier championship rings. No offense if you didn't play it's a participation ring not a championship ring. Go to another school and play. Most kids will never have the experience of playing college football so high school is the last chance you have if the rush of playin football. It's more important to play then win a championship. These kids all need to go some were they can actually play.
That could not be more true. My son played Varsity FB thru his whole HS years. He was 1st team All-State as a Senior, played in Blue/Gold Game. He was recruited by a lot of schools. When it came to for college, he chose to go to the best college he could get into. It was a D1 school, he was asked to try out, but not recruited. As he was getting ready for football, he ripped his knee. That was the end of his football career. If you ask him today would he change anything, he would say no.
The whole point was that he was a very celebrated athlete, but it all ended after HS as it will for more than 99% of the kids. I never understood, why kids would rather ride the pine at Sallies, than play at another school. Please don't tell me about academics, all my children were public school educated in Delaware (Blue Hen Schools) and they are all doing very well.
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HDST06- very well said. That's why I call bushi# ! on some parents I meet or know who try to tell me otherwise. There is a huge epidemic going on where parents "overvalue" their kids sports abilities and/or they are too involved when making sports related decisions. Let the athletes separate themselves- it is going to happen anyway!

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