Baynard Stadium falling apart

Sallies is really the only one that draws a decent crowd, so yes, this could be a problem for them. St. Mark's has lights so they could have an entire home schedule at their place and DMA/Howard/St. E's don't draw THAT well.

As Ikey said though, good luck trying for state funding. Temp bleachers might be the solution unless they partner with a corporation and as we've seen, nobody in DE has the foresight to make that kind of move.
I believe Baynard is considered a stadium not a field.. If any part of a stadium is condemned the whole thing is?.. Yeah they can removed the unsafe bleachers and replace with temporary but they would still have to get the stadium approved afterward...
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Bad news for the schools that use it. STM not affected much. They have "The Ditch". I wonder if this will prompt the Sals to build their own. They have the land

New article today in our favorite paper LOL

Looks like the Sals would take the brunt of this (lower capacity) but based on Bummy's intel- The Sals mediocre season ahead, the attendance/bandwagon will cut down on the attendance anyway.

IMHO- they may (should) get involved and fund this project. They have it and its really their house anyway. They could call it " BDN Field" @ Neuberger Stadium.

And whats up with the pic....of all Sals great games they gotta use the loss to Sparty's boys??
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many a good times under those bleachers as a young lad..
I bet my initials are still under there...
This is just the beginning. The stadium has been falling apart for a while. The State has done a nice job maintaining the fields when you consider how many events take place there.

It looks like Bummy's Intel on the train tracks was erroneous.
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@Jawnsky ,Dove,Ches


just saying....good old days
The story that was in the Journal this morning leads me to believe that we're about to lose Baynard because if it's gonna take a "private-public partnership" to get the place up to snuff, good luck with all the backdoor wrangling that's likely to go on while nothing gets done.
Listen, if Salies needs stands for 5k, they should pay for it. As for the field, the lockers and everything else, that is something that Wilmington and the State should look at together.
Listen, if Salies needs stands for 5k, they should pay for it. As for the field, the lockers and everything else, that is something that Wilmington and the State should look at together.

Not a bad idea but who woul be responsible ro fix or replace the stand so the train track side when they need to be replaced.
dove, the school needs the parking spaces. The student parking spillover - during the school day - goes over into the Baynard lots and onto the Salesianum Side of Broom Street all the way to McCabe Ave.

When I went to the Big S...the parking lot was half full and was only half the size of today's parking lot.

Believe me the property could not reasonably fit a football stadium...
when I went there, only seniors could drive.
....and when Uncle Angelo went to 8th and West......they had stopped automobile production during WWII, gas was rationed, and as soon as you graduated you got an all expenses paid trip to Europe or the Pacific Islands....those old guys saved our butts.

( I walkrd to school.....)
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Agreed...... Salesianum should foot most of the bill. Pic was 2014.

..... I think the Sals/Spartans rivalry will end or take a break sooner than later

This year Sals go 6-4/5-5 and get in playoffs but they are not winning it.
I've asked a friend of mine who was at the time close to the situation when the APPO school was built, the stadium they put in is one of the state of the art stadiums in the state but lacks a severe amount of seating for sports.

It baffles me when you go to a school and half the attendance has to stand because of lack of seating, so when I asked, their reasoning "why fork out all the extra money for a 5,000 seat stadium when maybe one day out of the year they will house 5,000 people." The Mtown/Appo game. Any other game Appo would be surprised if they drew half that amount of attendance.

I guess where I'm going with this is why should sallies have to fork out the money for 5,000 seats when they will only draw that against Middletown. Like jawnsky said, the sals/stm rivalry will begin to deminish because of competition soon, if not come to a complete Hault. Don't get me wrong, I would love nothing more than for every school to hold 5,000 people but to be honest, those two schools mentioned are probably the only ones that can draw it. Smyrna might start being able too if they stay competitive year after year, with their community still growing and with a small town feel, they would be my only other school that could draw that amount but even their stands can hold 2,500 at best.

The fan support for some schools just aren't there, I remember going to the William Penn/Caesar Rodney playoff game a few years back, I was quite surprised by the lack of attendance, you could fit both schools fans on the same side, which is pathetic for a playoff game.
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Fan support unfortunately directly correlates with winning.. bunch of fair weather fans these days.. Look at William Penn the last few years. If Penn starts losing again will the fans stay? nope.. Ask yourself the question HS.. If Middletown goes on a drought and sucks for a few years will you still be there tailgating and in you regular seat clanging your cow bell away?
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RR....your point is acrossed, but to answer your question, if I wasn't on the field, I was in the stands, ever since I could remember. That question really doesn't suite well for me, there are plenty of fans that I have cheered with, and celebrated with that I no longer see, but if you asked them, no matter what happens with the team, I will always be the first person through the gate before kickoff, and last person out before they lock up. My dad, uncles, cousins, grandfathers all played Middletown football, and I will keep the tradition alive by showing up every night they play clanging those cowbells or the amped up microphone that was made famous one year and everyone solely hates, whether my sons or grandsons play or not.
F the Cowbells!
I always find best way to combat the few jackass homers who sit on the visitors side is to give them a air horn blast upside the head/ quite well LOL
......OR and this is a total DI#K move......accidently spill your beverage on them.

As far as the stadium-sometimes folks complicate things. Just fix the stands and don't worry bout the locker rooms etc
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F the Cowbells!
I always find best way to combat the few jackass homers who sit on the visitors side is to give them a air horn blast upside the head/ quite well LOL
......OR and this is a total DI#K move......accidently spill your beverage on them.

As far as the stadium-sometimes folks complicate things. Just fix the stands and don't worry bout the locker rooms etc

Now this thread has gone from stadium seats to cow bells. Honestly, i think it's great. Everybody else is just jealous. Originally being from North Jersey, fan support like at MT was non-existent. I remember going to my first MT game and how impressed i was with the "home town" fan base and player support. Other than Delmar, where else do you have that in DE? Attendance is down around the state and that's obvious If you follow DE football. Maybe they should be like everybody else and just sit there and do nothing. Ring on.
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you dont have to have cow bells to be supportive fans.. cheer like everyone else,, There is a reason artificial noise makers are banned in college and NFL stadiums.. its obnoxious and rec league stuff...
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I think Mississippi State is big on the cowbell thing.

Middletown is kind of unique here in DE for that. Is there any other DE HS FB fan base that has something that is unique to them? .....I am even interested in customs, traditions...whatever....
artificial noise makers are banned in all NCAA and NFL stadiums.. you see some in Rec football and allot in international youth baseball ,, The Caribbean and South American teams parents like to shake their bottles of rocks and chant etc... As a coach I found these things distracting in communication with my players.. Its like the fans/parents valued winning by any means necessary more than letting the coaches coach their team and teach the kids
Those stupid bells annoy me to no end, but I'll admit to being a bit jealous of having that kind of tradition and fan base. As far as other traditions, etc it USED to be great to see our Pop Warner players paraded around and welcome the high school team to the field during an early season home game. Helped boost attendance and the little kids loved being out there with the big ones for a few minutes. Thanks to stupid "recruiting" rules that isn't being done anymore. Great example of DIAA taking the community spirit out of the game, at least down south.
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Those stupid bells annoy me to no end, but I'll admit to being a bit jealous of having that kind of tradition and fan base. As far as other traditions, etc it USED to be great to see our Pop Warner players paraded around and welcome the high school team to the field during an early season home game. Helped boost attendance and the little kids loved being out there with the big ones for a few minutes. Thanks to stupid "recruiting" rules that isn't being done anymore. Great example of DIAA taking the community spirit out of the game, at least down south.

I saw that at Delmar two years ago at a playoff game.. the Fire Department escorted the youth team bus to the game sirens and all... It was pretty awesome