Bear in Wilmington!!

Uncle Bumfuzzled

D1A Prospect
Sep 11, 2012
No, it is not one of Bummy's beloved Brown Bears. I believe it is a black bear. Be that as it would be hilarious if they capture the bear at the old Brown Vocational campus.

Some ideas of what you could say to the bear if you see him in Wilmington and he asks you for some directions or you just need to greet him in a friendly way.

1) Oh, you are in town to tour Salesianum. They are at 18th and Broom. Their O Line needs some help.

2) Hey, need to find your way home? Go to Rodney Square Bus Depot, you can take the Rt 40 Bus to Bear.

3) You're a bear? I barely noticed you. Have you been drinking and need to get your bearings straight? No, need to bare your soul.

4) Congratulations on beating the Cowboys last night!!

What would you guys say to the bear???
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Its just a big puppy dog.. Give it a treat and pet it.. lol

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lol just kidding bout that.. leave the animal will find it's way home eventually..
I heard that the bear took the Sallies entrance exam and didn't get in. He didn't get the koala-fying score.
speaking of clever and not of bear puns for a moment this may be a bit unbearable for some and I don't get into politics much at all but this is just too good not to share..funnier than a bare Bummy playing "Black Bear" on the accordion


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