Dropped 38 points in Providence's quarterfinal win over Butler today. He and Dunn are a lot of fun to watch. Nice job representing DE - this kid needs more love!
Wouldn't it be nice to see a UD team with guys like Ben, Austin Tilghman, Donte, AJ English,etc..!!
Include Khallid Hart too averaging 20/game at MaristWouldn't it be nice to see a UD team with guys like Ben, Austin Tilghman, Donte, AJ English,etc..!!
Gilbert's not in the top 25. He's at around 17ppgMarcus Gilbert (Fairfield) who played briefly at St. Elizabeth is in that Top 25 D1 scorers list too
Definitely need a change in the college coaches (although the guy at DelSt has only been there one year, I believe). Maybe he will start to turn them around, but the guys at UD have been there 10 years!UD and Delstate coaches need to fired after reading this and letting all this talent continues to leave the state. New leadership is needed to keep our talented guards home. We just need to recruit bigs from out of state.
3 of the top 25 scorers in NCAA DIV I played their HS ball in Delaware. Khallid Hart, Ben Bentil and AJ English. Not to shabby for tiny Delaware!