Obviously, this falls on the players. However, it is the coach and A.D. that have to vouch for the players integrity, when they nominate them. For the most part, they have known these kids since they started high school. If kids that don't belong in the game are getting there, it is because talent over character was chosen. It has been happening for a while and this board has helped feed it, with coaches getting blasted because the best player on their team didn't make Blue/Gold.
I know Tony Glenn and love the work he does. I can assure you, for him to have to put a stop to that game, must have absolutely crushed him. I believe the game should and will continue, what it accomplishes is to valuable to let a few idiots screw up.
I know Tony Glenn and love the work he does. I can assure you, for him to have to put a stop to that game, must have absolutely crushed him. I believe the game should and will continue, what it accomplishes is to valuable to let a few idiots screw up.