Maybe Bummy is doubling as a News Journal stringer. As a Sals fan I appreciate the write up in the News Journal of last night's game with Judge which was a battle.
The story in my newspaper...I have to reread the online article had QB Zack Quinn when it is Zack Gwynn. It also had Drake scoring on a kickoff when it was a free kick after a safety. The coupe de grace was the report that fans got bobble heads of Guido Schiavi (aka Uncle Angelo). Guido's family gave him a bobble head of himself as a gift in a celebration of his 90th birthday before the game. (Maybe there will a Bummy Bobble Head Night.)
Judge was a tough opponent. Drake was the star. Another DB #25 had a great INT. The Sals squandered some chances but hung in there against a very good opponent. The clones took some injuries. I am unsure if serious. The QB went out in the 4th Q and RB #1 also left the game due to injury.
Those Judge long TD passes will give older alums heart failure.
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