
Wishful thinking saying the game will be rescheduled. Don’t see that happening

I havent looked it over completely but I bet they try and get St Marks to jimmy stuff around.. Like St M can play St E week 7 instead of next week then DMA can play RLCA week 7.. There are teams open week 6 to find games for FSMA or who else needs to help out. From a quick glance it looks like it could work out somehow if CA or TH or Lake want to play ball week 6. all are open
I like the game as well. Howard’s got a lock on the conference and autobid but a win vs Appo should lock them a home playoff game at the AB. It is also an interesting D1 v D2 matchup

Agreed BiB win foe either team spices things up for D1 or D2 I believe