Charter Leaves Flight A

The problem is that instead of putting money and time into the suffering public schools, the money goes to starting another Charter school that will pick and choose the kind of students they want (or can make the most money from) at their leisure.

Also, I graduated from Howard the same year Wilmington High had their last graduating class (1999), so the fact that there hasn't been one public high school in Delaware's biggest city this century is ridiculous. The only sense of community when schools in Red Clay, Christina and Brandywine meet is because those kids know each other from their neighborhoods and that's more of a personal thing.

"Pick and choose the kind of students they want"

I looked up Charter of Wilmingtons admission policy. The point system rubric is based on a math & reading test, grades on the students 7th and 8th grade report card, teacher recommendations, enrollment in any math and science activities, and finally an essay.

So students who go to school and get good grades, have shown a specific interest in math and science, can get a teachers recommendation (no underlying behavior issues), and can write an essay are accepted??? Oh how dare they...
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"Pick and choose the kind of students they want"

I looked up Charter of Wilmingtons admission policy. The point system rubric is based on a math & reading test, grades on the students 7th and 8th grade report card, teacher recommendations, enrollment in any math and science activities, and finally an essay.

So students who go to school and get good grades, have shown a specific interest in math and science, can get a teachers recommendation (no underlying behavior issues), and can write an essay are accepted??? Oh how dare they...
The polar opposite of Penncader
I really don't think Charter schools are an issue to publics as far as athletics.. Yes they are plucking the better students with the exception of Penncader when they were arround they were plucking athletes..I quess there could be a trickle down though with that . The publics losing the better students bring down the SAT and Grad rates so that could cause parents to want to look elswhere. The bigger issue for publics is the tech scholls not being used for their original purpose and being used as a free private (if you want to call it that) and athletic destination.. Travel and AAU teams can use the system for kids to all go to the same school for whatever sport... I have said this before but DE is the only State I know of where tech schools teams are good enough to compete for state chapionships..
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Charter likes it when its going their way. They took over a school, made it their own, shipped the kids that would have attended all over New Castle County. Charter and the others are "white flight" at its finest. Orchestrated and coordinated in a manner that would have made George Wallace salute. That is Wilmington High, the Red Devils home. Back in the day "High School" Shame, damn shame
Charter likes it when its going their way. They took over a school, made it their own, shipped the kids that would have attended all over New Castle County. Charter and the others are "white flight" at its finest. Orchestrated and coordinated in a manner that would have made George Wallace salute. That is Wilmington High, the Red Devils home. Back in the day "High School" Shame, damn shame

"They took over a school, made it their own, shipped the kids that would have attended all over New Castle County"

I think you have Charter confused with the Federal District Court who in 1978 were the ones who ordered the busing of students across city boundaries. That is what shipped the kids all over New Castle County.
My intel has it that Charter of Wilmington is out of Flight A and in the Diamond State Conference starting next school year. Makes sense for them athletically. Thoughts????

Great intel!!. I think you might be better at reporting the local sports scene than the current NJ news phenom, Brad Myers.
My question is more to the point of, have big public schools outlived their usefulness? Maybe smaller, more focused schools is the way to go. Maybe we need to provide a way out for those that don't score well on standardized tests. Get them in a small focused school, to build their academic foundation and not get lost in the system. Without hope, these kids are just wasting away and it is partly the fault of the system.
TNJ article mentions the primary issue is player safety....that said, they should forfeit the rest of their games then. No sense in risking a kid getting hurt and the potential poss legal problems going forward. I am not saying this to be hurtful or poke fun. But there is absolutely no reason for them to play in a situation where they feel its a win if all the kids make it back to the bus.
So who is in this new conference with Charter

Diamond State conference has Archmere, Conrad, DMA and Newark Charter in it. Also, First State Military has on their athletics page a message saying they also are joining. Getting "intel" that Red Lion and MOT Charter are also joining. Interesting Mix.

As for the Charter school admissions, the process is involved and unfortunately kids who struggle at school probably don't have taking extra tests and writing essays high on their to due list. Leads to a disproportionate amount of high achievers applying. I would like to see the charters do more outreach to the kids who don't have the parental support to help them through the process. As a parent though, i place zero blame on those who are trying to put their kids in a better situation. Not everyone can afford the private school life.
Charter can into existence as the brain child of several Wilmington business men and educators who were rightly concerned that local education was not turning out graduates that were prepared to compete in an evolving business climate.
Caravel is non conference. The Diamond State conference could have been real competitive had StE and St. Mark's joined last year.
This is my favorite comment in the article

"athletic directors who voted against the waiver were concerned that if the waiver was approved, other Blue Hen Conference schools may try to opt out of other sports where they have not been competitive, leaving a different number of schools competing in each sport."

Oh really! So you guys admit you are too lazy to make a schedule. You also admit that you don't mind non-competitive sporting events. That's great. Lazy bums.

Competitive competition is good. It brings out the best in sports. Why don't we try and put all the kids in a competitive situation? Oh wait......that would be too much work.

Delaware is so far behind the times because of foolish people like those who run the Blue Hen conference.
One way to look at a conference, is like a club. You are not forced to join the club, but once you are in the club, you are bound by the rules of the club. The member requested the club change the rules, the club said no. The member chose to leave the club, it's all pretty simple.
A good example would be ECA/RLCA, who asked the DIAA to change the rules with regards to practice, number of games and start dates. The DIAA said no, that is not in line with what we are about. ECA went their own way. No animosity, just a decision.
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Kudos to the Blue Hen Conference AD. They should not be granted there wish to have Independent Football Schedule. They win in Soccer, Lacrosse, Cross Country, Baseball and last year they won the Conference in Wrestling. So Football they get beat so they want out instead of working to improve the program just get out and lower the competition. This is what we see everyday now. Don't work to get better just lower the standard. Glad the Blue Hen Conference had no parts of allowing this to happen. All Blue Hen Conference Teams should not play them in any sport.
I don't think you get it. They are not competitive in Football. I had 2 sons that played there. In 5 years they won 13 games. One of my son's senior year team went 1-9. Yes they are good at other sports but not in football, and have never been good. The reason the AD don't want them leaving is the 2 points they automatically get when they beat them every year. One year Charter was the Homecoming opponent for just about every away game. That says a lot.
Let them out of Flight A for football, it would make Flight A more competitive.
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I don't think you get it. They are not competitive in Football. I had 2 sons that played there. In 5 years they won 13 games. One of my son's senior year team went 1-9. Yes they are good at other sports but not in football, and have never been good. The reason the AD don't want them leaving is the 2 points they automatically get when they beat them every year. One year Charter was the Homecoming opponent for just about every away game. That says a lot.
Let them out of Flight A for football, it would make Flight A more competitive.

It's 4 for a win. Now every D2 school get 2 just for playing them. The real problem is the AD and how he lied to the faces of the other BHC AD's. Classy.
It's 4 for a win. Now every D2 school get 2 just for playing them. The real problem is the AD and how he lied to the faces of the other BHC AD's. Classy.
How did he lie? I knew him pretty well when my kids were there, buthave not spoken with him in years. I always thought he was a good guy.
How did he lie? I knew him pretty well when my kids were there, buthave not spoken with him in years. I always thought he was a good guy.

Could be a good guy, but when you already have a football schedule made up, been accepted into a new conference and tell AD's in the meeting you have no plan "B" if the vote is no, then your a liar..
Could be a good guy, but when you already have a football schedule made up, been accepted into a new conference and tell AD's in the meeting you have no plan "B" if the vote is no, then your a liar..

Now, that is a little judgemental. Bummy heard that there was no Plan B and joining the Diamond State Conference was actually Plan C. (Bill Clinton 101)
Now, that is a little judgemental. Bummy heard that there was no Plan B and joining the Diamond State Conference was actually Plan C. (Bill Clinton 101)

Is what it is. Wouldn't Plan C be Plan B if there were no actual Plan B? The trigger was pulled on DSC hours after the meeting adjourned, football scheduled pushed up the next morning. Really to the no Plan B? Every small school that scheduled them gets a 2 pt. bonus, smart on their part. AD's still a liar.
Bummy is losing his verbal dexterity. My post was an attempt at humor.

Correct me if I am wrong. What you are saying is that Charter leadership had already made the deal to join the Diamond State Conference before the meeting.

If the BHC ADs allowed them to join Flight B for FB only I wonder what Charter leadership would have done. Would they have then said OK? Then the Diamond State folks would be calling the Charter AD a liar.

I haven't been following this thread. Would you have allowed Charter and maybe Delcastle to play FB in Flight B? Honestly, I have no strong opinion.
Actually, now that I think about it. It would have been a violation of DIAA rules for them to have not been in flight A. The sole criteria is enrollment.
Ikey, you might be right. My thought was that the enrollment dealt with what FB tournament you would be assigned to and what "at large" points your opponents would get for playing you...

The D1 or D2 assignment can get pretty intense. You well remember the Milford kerfuffle.
Ikey, you might be right. My thought was that the enrollment dealt with what FB tournament you would be assigned to and what "at large" points your opponents would get for playing you...

The D1 or D2 assignment can get pretty intense. You well remember the Milford kerfuffle.
I made quite a few enemies over that, when I took sides against Milford. You can just imagine how thrilled I was when I found out that Poly had been wait-listing students and should have been kept in D-1. But, that is the past. The point is the numbers say they are D-1, leaving Blue Hen accomplished nothing except to anger a few AD's. Their FB schedule is already set for next season as is their soccer. That is going to be quite a soccer seed they get, assuming they qualify.
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Let me add one thing. If they are trying to make a point, they are making it. But it will take the entire State, all DIAA members to find a way to classify ALL TEAMS via level of skill. I just have to ask, how many times did Charter say in regards to soccer "We should not take D-1 points for this win, because they simply are not of that quality." Did they ever say that teams that they played on their D-1 soccer schedule should not be there?
Bummy is losing his verbal dexterity. My post was an attempt at humor.

Correct me if I am wrong. What you are saying is that Charter leadership had already made the deal to join the Diamond State Conference before the meeting.

If the BHC ADs allowed them to join Flight B for FB only I wonder what Charter leadership would have done. Would they have then said OK? Then the Diamond State folks would be calling the Charter AD a liar.

I haven't been following this thread. Would you have allowed Charter and maybe Delcastle to play FB in Flight B? Honestly, I have no strong opinion.

I did see the humor and wasn't sure if you were talking about the morning after pill or the Catholic method. I just didn't want to touch it...

Yes, they had a backdoor deal, and they wanted an "independent" football schedule, not a Flight "B". I liked the earlier "Club" analogy. My only issue is the tactic used, plus the AD is calling his males students soft and weak.
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Actually the AD is looking out for the safety of his kids which is priority #1.

Teams leave conferences all the time in most states and in college. Get over it. Delaware is just way behind the times.
Actually the AD is looking out for the safety of his kids which is priority #1.

Teams leave conferences all the time in most states and in college. Get over it. Delaware is just way behind the times.

....fof- maybe they should forfeit rest of games this season then. If safety is top priority? This does not pass the "smell test". What I think has happened IMHO......Charter is filled with kids whose parents are use to seeing their kids get their way on/off the field. A lot of these kids would be in private schools if not for Charters. Then they go out and get wrecked in a few ball games and these parents just cannot take it.....their ego's are not capable of processing that their kid(s) just took an ass whoopin'
....fof- maybe they should forfeit rest of games this season then. If safety is top priority? This does not pass the "smell test". What I think has happened IMHO......Charter is filled with kids whose parents are use to seeing their kids get their way on/off the field. A lot of these kids would be in private schools if not for Charters. Then they go out and get wrecked in a few ball games and these parents just cannot take it.....their ego's are not capable of processing that their kid(s) just took an ass whoopin'

Drill a little deeper and notice how they struggle in sports with minority students, and I'm not talking about Asian. Racist admission policy and now athletics??? Jea Street where are you....
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Drill a little deeper and notice how they struggle in sports with minority students, and I'm not talking about Asian. Racist admission policy and now athletics??? Jea Street where are you....

That's hilarious dude. And the towers were brought down by bombs planted by the government right?
....fof- maybe they should forfeit rest of games this season then. If safety is top priority? This does not pass the "smell test". What I think has happened IMHO......Charter is filled with kids whose parents are use to seeing their kids get their way on/off the field. A lot of these kids would be in private schools if not for Charters. Then they go out and get wrecked in a few ball games and these parents just cannot take it.....their ego's are not capable of processing that their kid(s) just took an ass whoopin'

I love how in your earlier post you said and I quote

"TNJ article mentions the primary issue is player safety....that said, they should forfeit the rest of their games then. No sense in risking a kid getting hurt and the potential poss legal problems going forward. I am not saying this to be hurtful or poke fun. But there is absolutely no reason for them to play in a situation where they feel its a win if all the kids make it back to the bus."

Nice flip flop bro.
Wow you guys are really stupid or you just enjoy non competitive football . What are you worried your kids lost that guaranteed W on their schedule.

"Wrecked in a few games"

How about 1 winning season in Flight A ever.

"Racist admission policy"

So should they be recruiting football players? That would go over well.

"Get their way on the field"

Besides an ass whooping what exactly are they getting on the field ?

My kids will go to a charter school because I can't afford private school and most public high schools suck.
Wow you guys are really stupid or you just enjoy non competitive football . What are you worried your kids lost that guaranteed W on their schedule.

"Wrecked in a few games"

How about 1 winning season in Flight A ever.

"Racist admission policy"

So should they be recruiting football players? That would go over well.

"Get their way on the field"

Besides an ass whooping what exactly are they getting on the field ?

My kids will go to a charter school because I can't afford private school and most public high schools suck.

The arrogant contempt and the ridicule of the Charter/Private kids and teams on this board (e.g. calling them the silk panty teams) is beyond pathetic.
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The arrogant contempt and the ridicule of the Charter/Private kids and teams on this board (e.g. calling them the silk panty teams) is beyond pathetic.

For the record I've never referred to the Indy teams as the "silk panty league". I have criticized them for playing 9 game schedules and less than competitive competition. With the exception of Tatnall of course. Tatnall has always played a fairly tough schedule. In all seriousness you won't find many teams that are better coached than Friends and Tatnall.
Ikey- this is just a complaint. I assume there is an investigation going on at the federal level. Some would think it is just a nuisance complaint but there are groups of people out there that are always going after red clay. Red Clay initiated the Charter law here in DE.

UD. There is all kinds of contempt. I am responsible for calling the Independent Conference the Silk Panty League. It is a joke. For whatever reason other folks on the board have picked that up. Also, I started calling Salesianum the Slowskys 13 years ago. Others have picked that up. Yes, there is some real contempt for private, charters and Vo techs. (I am votech guy.)

I don't share that contempt. I am just clowning around,

I believe that Flight A should have let Delcastle and Charter drop to Flight B for football. My sense is that Charter probably wanted out of the Blue Hen. That's where some of these guys jump on the elitism thing.

Hey, Wilmington Christian is joining the Silk Panty League. (No football)
I love how in your earlier post you said and I quote

"TNJ article mentions the primary issue is player safety....that said, they should forfeit the rest of their games then. No sense in risking a kid getting hurt and the potential poss legal problems going forward. I am not saying this to be hurtful or poke fun. But there is absolutely no reason for them to play in a situation where they feel its a win if all the kids make it back to the bus."

Nice flip flop bro.

Thank You!

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