Not true about grades. Report cards haven't been issued. They only have 15 or 16 players in their program. A few were injured last week. They may only have 11 or 12 healthy players and a few of them are not varsity ready.
Nobody uses school choice for athletics.... It is in the rules that you can't.The fact there are only 15 to 16 eligible to initially to start year has allot to do with grades.. I think DE needs to consolidate some schools.. not so much from and area standpoint as IMO a failed school choice program.. Just speaking about the public schools.. Certain schools have all been abandoned by the parents due to school choice (although MT P has made a comeback in my opinion)
Athletically speaking D1 schools benefit from school choice and D2 have suffered (other than the Techs) Schools choice or vouchers are a decent idea for inner cities but statewide not so much.. What parent in Christiana HS school district who has a kid serious about playing ball is going to send them there? None...
DE would be well served to go back to districting and combining some schools Some in the North and South... JMHO Not sure how school choice came about but it must have been a tome when there were some crappy schools and kids had to be given an option to get out.. I get that.. but now they have options with the Charters, Techs and Privates.. No need for Public school choice
Nobody uses school choice for athletics.... It is in the rules that you can't.
I wonder what are the choice rates. When I talk to little league parents and parents from middle schools, I don't hear choice as much as what charter, private or votech do I want.
Yes RR. I think all schools have honors and AP classes. If I am a qb or wr, I may pick a stat friendly offense. I can take high level classes anywhere. Just some thoughts
Ok so you have a middle school private school qb who would be in a wing t offense transfer to a public spread offense. Academics? It happens my friend.
So 4.0 public school kid can't earn same academic scholarship $$$$?
Gpa backed up by solid sat will get you in no matter the school. My daughter was public, went to JMU on almost a full academic ride. Her best friend at Glasgow earned the Gate Millennium Scholarship over everyone in De. You can make it anywhere and a system that you want to play in can factor in a decision. If you had a son who was a good qb or wr and the choices were tower hill or concord, ai, mtown etc... Where are you sending them? Just curious. Out of those options.
I think all aspects should be weighed if you choice. Academics and extra curricular. I am a public school, no choice guy
Amen RR!!I was speaking in percentages.... but again you turned it into to IF you had a kid who had a certain athletic ability.. So again its not about the best academic situation but athletic. that is my my point.. are we choosing the best school or the school that suits my kids athletic needs? And are those choices at the detriment of our community based schools? OR another question is .. is my kids athletic needs and my needs as a proud parent more important than supporting my community and the school in it? .
Actually I am trying to have a serious conversation and am interested in folks opinions of the long term effects of the School Choice program.. Not so much on the athletics but the school enrollments and migration which can be tied to the athletic programs. Can a school like Christiana ever recover? Can Seafood recover? What about Glasgow.. Why would you choose Glasgow over Newark.. just questions..
My neice works at University of Delaware admissions and sorry to share with everyone that she shared the 4.0 at CA, Sals, St. M holds as much weight as the 4.0 at Delcastle, Dover, and Glasgow. If the kids are from a Delaware school and have over a 3.2 and a 860 SAT, they are getting in! It doesn't matter what school even some of the kids from failing charters and public schools got in, because they met the minimum requirements. Also, regardless of school if they have a minimum 2.5 and regardless of SAT, they get a SEED scholarship for 2 years and are enrolled in the Associates Degree Program.
If anything, she questions why more people don't hold onto the money they spend for private school to use towards a degree in college.
My neice works at University of Delaware admissions and sorry to share with everyone that she shared the 4.0 at CA, Sals, St. M holds as much weight as the 4.0 at Delcastle, Dover, and Glasgow. If the kids are from a Delaware school and have over a 3.2 and a 860 SAT, they are getting in! It doesn't matter what school even some of the kids from failing charters and public schools got in, because they met the minimum requirements. Also, regardless of school if they have a minimum 2.5 and regardless of SAT, they get a SEED scholarship for 2 years and are enrolled in the Associates Degree Program.
If anything, she questions why more people don't hold onto the money they spend for private school to use towards a degree in college.
I'm also in the Dickinson feeder and my kids won't step foot in that place. Going the Charter route or second mortgage/3rd job to send them to private. Public schooling in DE past the elementary level is a mess.
Can't understand why they can't build a new Wilmington High School. Oh wait, yes I can. Too much politics. I'll stop before I go on a political rant. Don't like to mix football and politics.
I'm not talking about building a school in the worst area of the city. They need a high school within the city limits. The area where Wilmington High (now Charter) isn't a bad area and it's just inside the city limits. Howard is there but its small and vo-tech. Maybe by bringing back a high school it would make people in the city embrace it. Give them something to call their own and have some pride in it. Philly is bad and they have city schools all over the place. Lots of major cities are rough these days but they still have schools.
I understand where you are coming from....many of our public high schools are unsafe. Can't fault anyone for taking that route.
My posts was more focused on academics. Point being students/parents taking different routes to wind up at the same result.
If going private is the answer to attempting to keep a hedge of protection around your kids. You are greatly mistaken. You are correct that it has LESS issues, but ALL schools have their own issues like bullying, drugs, peer pressure, drinking, etc. even private schools. It's our job as parents to step up and place morals in our kids that give them strength to stay away from it. Kids who graduate from private schools become thieves, drug dealers and crack heads too. As your children graduate and leave the home, college is an open season of reality that they need to be prepared for academically and SOCIALLY. If not, they will fail in life, because it is what it is.