Christiana forfeits to StG's

Not sure if you were referring to my post or not. I think you were so no, I'm not GREATLY mistaken. Going private/charter IS my answer to protecting my kids from what's inside our public schools. Does that mean I think there aren't bad kids, drugs, bullying, etc in private/charter schools? Of course not. Nobody thinks that nor said that.

Skyline Middle this year has seen a 600% increase in discipline this year after the redistricting. 600%!!!!! Numerous kids with ankle bracelets, kids led out in hand cuffs. In MIDDLE SCHOOL!!! Thankfully my child only has this year to deal with what was once a great school but now has been turned into a circus. So again, why would I NOT send my kids to private/charter where there are WAY LESS issues?

After having my son just finish up high school in DE, I would say you are doing absolutely what is best for your kids UD. For us the decision was Hodgson, St. G or choice to Newark or possibly Caravel. No way was he was going to Glasgow after what I saw. It was heart breaking as both the wife and I are Glasgow graduates, but we were not sending our son there no matter what. Speaking in terms of percentages, I would say that on the Hodgson football team that 30 - 50 percent of the kids were there just to avoid going to the assigned public school. It was something that many of us parents discussed through the years as we all were saddened to feel like we could not send our kids to our neighborhood schools. I don't know what the percentage is overall, but the football team was absolutely that high and while athletics maybe played a part for some, it did not factor into our decision. It was about giving our son what we thought was the best overall education. It's sad what the public schools have become...
It is sad a votech school can look up grades and discipline of middle school students and select kids. The low achieving students who need to learn a trade are denied. The votech system is backwards. They are functioning as "charters". Taking the top kids and can kick kids out when they want. They need reform as far as enrollment is concerned. Just my opinion.
We honestly need to figure out a way to fix the bad schools or tear them down and start over. The present model isn't working. We need to find a way to get the students into schools most suited to their needs. That means smaller more focused, able to give the attention they need. A child with behavior issues or inability to learn, will not improve when they are in a class with 35 other kids, half of them with issues as well.
It is sad a votech school can look up grades and discipline of middle school students and select kids. The low achieving students who need to learn a trade are denied. The votech system is backwards. They are functioning as "charters". Taking the top kids and can kick kids out when they want. They need reform as far as enrollment is concerned. Just my opinion.

Couldn't agree more bone. My son took honors courses and instead of working a co-op job took college courses his last 3 semesters at Hodgson. Not really what I think the function of the vo-techs should be. As parents, we simply worked the system in favor of our son. It was comforting as a parent knowing that any kind of trouble-maker would quickly be removed from school, and that our son would be held accountable for his actions and grades. I don't know what the solution is, but maybe using the vo-techs as a model could be a start for the public schools...
I couldn't agree more with you guys.The difference is the selection process of these schools vs the public schools- if a vo-tech can choose whether or not to bring a student on based on discipline/achievement then they are making matters worse. The disparity between publics and charter/techs will continue to grow. I don't think it's necessarily the model of instruction. As a matter of fact, I would bet that many public schools are doing MANY out-of-the-box things to combat the issues they face daily.

I teach in public schools- there are issues with placement for kids in my opinion. If I have a class of 30 kids I can assume about 10-15 have IEP/504s and need accommodation. That is never a problem for me. What is a problem is when 10 of the 30 kids don't want to be here, feel they are forced to be here, or don't have ANY motivation to excel from their families.

So the unmotivated kid may become a problem. In a charter/tech schools they put them on probation then boot them back to their home school. In public schools, where there are limited opportunities for alternative placement (alternative schools have limited seats available) then where do they go? The answer is no where- they keep coming back, disrupting the learning of their classmates, and eventually either fail out or drop out...all the while completely handicapping students who are actually willing to learn. This completely takes any power away from the teachers and administration- the kid controls the situation in many cases and we can all agree that could be bad.

It's scary to think of how bad things have become in my 12 years of teaching and where things will be when my 6 year old is in high school.

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