DEHS FB Coaches Rituals, Traditions and/or Superstitions?


Good all around Player
Oct 17, 2011
Sun Village / Marcus Hook

When Billy was here, it seemed that he would wear the same pants, shirt and hat. Does anyone remember the colors and style of each?

When Mark was here, he would always wear the 97/98/99 Ship jacket from the days he was on Billy's staff. As the years went on I think he had some elastic added.

Any others?
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Always wear the same hat, I know one coach no matter the weather will wear shorts.

Gameday playlists....there could be so many more traditions
I've heard Sallies coaches going back to the beginning of the program always go out for beers the night before games at the same hole in the wall pub with his coaches and 21+ year old players (always a few of them)
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Billys' Clothing Line For Success available now at the Middletown GoodWill.

Pants = Khakis (traditional fit)
Shirt = Classic Long Sleeve Oxford (faded light pink, might have been white one time only)
Hat = Ascot (blue, faded of course)

What are the chances of HC ZB going retro on us?

I'm thinking the only retro will be the good ol' fashion shellacking he puts on them Smyrnadelphia Eagles.

Also not to be forgotten is the tradition where Middletown coaches give test answers to players so they can pass. That's a time honored tradition at that school
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CavChuck, You interested in a friendly avatar wager? If Cavs win tonight, I'll use your dumpy eagle for my avatar here until they meet again, and if Eagles win, you'll use the wailing cavalier I just posted as yours. What say Ye? :)
As the acting CEO of International CavalierCharlie World Wide American Football Promoter Extraordinaire, LLC. My sponsorships have only authorized till Monday 0001.

With that said, I'm all in. (till Monday 0001, I know a bitter disappointment)
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The only other place you do not, repeat do not want to play M-Town besides the "Jungle" is.......
How's that for a promo...take it all in, enjoy, have fun, most your wallet!

All Have a Great Safe Season!