DIAA Football Committee Meeting

Sean Greene is there and tweeted that it started but hasn't posted anything else
Well despite majority of the committee works in a school in some shape or form, they still aren’t that bright. Listening to all the meetings idk how they get anything done. Even with simple math and a outline that they drew up a year ago.
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Still struggle how can you debate something when it is decided by math, and now that if you play out of state it there is no class bonus
It's never easy with the DIAA. There's always someone looking to manipulate the system. Someone is always lobbying why there school is being done wrong. In the meantime they are undermining the entire process. If it was as simple as math they would have had an excel spreadsheet completed last night and it would have been a simple vote this morning. Instead every year it lasts hours because of the silliness.
It's never easy with the DIAA. There's always someone looking to manipulate the system. Someone is always lobbying why there school is being done wrong. In the meantime they are undermining the entire process. If it was as simple as math they would have had an excel spreadsheet completed last night and it would have been a simple vote this morning. Instead every year it lasts hours because of the silliness.
Rumor is that DIAA is thinking Newark is going to be seeded at 11 and Concord at 12 in 2A. Unless they invent a tie breaker of "better division record" they are getting it wrong.
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Rumor is that DIAA is thinking Newark is going to be seeded at 11 and Concord at 12 in 2A. Unless they invent a tie breaker of "better division record" they are getting it wrong.
Concord heading to Delmar has to be the longest trip for any two schools in the state. Even longer if they have to head home with an L on a Friday night.
Concord heading to Delmar has to be the longest trip for any two schools in the state. Even longer if they have to head home with an L on a Friday night.
How much of s different would it be between Newark and Concord to delmar 10-15 minutes. Does that really matter on a 2 hour trip
They got Newark / Concord wrong.

Edit: I missed the 2 points Newark got from playing Hodgson.
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Would it be possible for someone to explain this for me... Tower Hill is seeded #7 and is scheduled to play Saturday V. Sussex Tech. All other first round games scheduled for Friday. Winner of the TH/Sussex game then is scheduled to play next Friday V. Woodbridge. ALL other second round games are scheduled for Saturday, giving all the other teams an extra day of preparation... Anyone possibly have an answer to this??
And if the idiots at DIAA use the excuse that Sussex has a log bus ride on a Friday, then how do they send Newark down to Delmar on a Friday? And if they use the excuse that there aren't enough referees for Friday games, then how does the 8-9 seed game take precedence over the 7-10 game?
They weren’t just picking trams today. They were also writing & rewriting policies dealing with Covid, forfeits, etc
They got Middletown and Smyrna wrong too. They both ended with 4.5 index. Middletown holds tiebreaker
i got 13 bonus points for Smyrna vs 6 for MT. How many do you have?
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Would it be possible for someone to explain this for me... Tower Hill is seeded #7 and is scheduled to play Saturday V. Sussex Tech. All other first round games scheduled for Friday. Winner of the TH/Sussex game then is scheduled to play next Friday V. Woodbridge. ALL other second round games are scheduled for Saturday, giving all the other teams an extra day of preparation... Anyone possibly have an answer to this??
Host school picks what day and time the game is played in the early rounds.
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