FC 46, Sals 44

But that will be the only time this year they will be slowskys. You should have been there Bummy

Bummy will be leaving the board in a couple of weeks for a 4-6 month respite.

Bummy no longer refers to the Sals as the Slowskys as I have been informed that their FB offense did not get a delay of game penalty in 2017. (Promises made, promises kept)

Bummy really is only concerned about FB. All other sports are not masculine enough with the exception of wrestling.

Swimming? Really?

Yaz, I noticed that the crowd was sparse to say the least. I wonder how much bigger the crowd got for the Clippers vs the Warriors.

Merry Christmas to all of my friends.
Bummy will be leaving the board in a couple of weeks for a 4-6 month respite.

Bummy no longer refers to the Sals as the Slowskys as I have been informed that their FB offense did not get a delay of game penalty in 2017. (Promises made, promises kept)

Bummy really is only concerned about FB. All other sports are not masculine enough with the exception of wrestling.

Swimming? Really?

Yaz, I noticed that the crowd was sparse to say the least. I wonder how much bigger the crowd got for the Clippers vs the Warriors.

Merry Christmas to all of my friends.

For the period of my absence, please refer any questions requiring advanced intellectual hardware to pickle. He is a rising star!
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Pickle is pickless..he is a she

Bummy was impressed with a comment pickles made a while back when he referred to a lot of his posts as "silly shit." That proved to me that he/she does not take his self/her self too seriously. That won me over as I always fancied myself as the king of "silly shit." Am I getting overly reflective in my old age.

Going to crank up the polka music for a Packers victory tonight!
Yaz, terrible bet smh, Aaron Rodgers equals no win especially against that Viking Defense

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